Chapter 29- Epilogue 2

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"Welcome students and family! Today we are here to watch our sons, daughters, brothers, sisters and friends turn over a new leaf in life. Today we watch as these students get let loose into the real world." The head professor spoke. Today was the day that we have been waiting for, for the last four years. We graduate today.

"I will now call the names of all the ones graduating. Come up and get your degree and then take a seat." Since I now had Blake's last name, him and I were sat next to each other.

"Wren Allen, Frank Avil,......." He kept saying names. We watched as all of the students made their way up on stage and then back to their seats. "Blake Connor." They announced. I heard Drew and Mike yell for Blake while I clapped proudly. "Olivia Connor." They all yelled for me with Lily and Sara joining them.

Once Blake and I were back at our seats we watched as everyone was called up. Sara was the last of our group to go. There was a few more after her and then the ceremony was over.

"I present the graduating class. Give them a hand for making it this far!" Claps were all around us as we stood up and exited the field. We all met back by our cars. My mom was there with Emory and Colton was with Mikes mom.

"We did it!" I smile to Blake. He smiles back and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and grin.

"So what are you two doing now that you are moving out of the apartment on campus?" My dad asks us.

"I have that covered." Blake says with a smile on his face. I raise my eyebrow at him but he shakes his head.

"There's a party to celebrate our last day on campus tonight. Every college student is supposed to be there." Drew says. Him and Lily are still going strong. I don't know how Lily keeps up with him but she somehow does it.

"We have Em and can't go tonight." Blake tells him. I nod along with him. He's acting weird but I don't question it.

"Momma me hungy." Emory whines. Blake finally sets me down and goes to take Em from my mom.

"We will go get food soon baby girl." Blake says and kisses her head. She sighs and lays on Blake's shoulder. "We better go and get her some food." Blake tells me and I nod. Blake carries Emory and holds my hand as we walk back to his truck.

"Where do you want to eat Emory?" Blake asks her.

"Why don't we just go back to the apartment and get something?" I suggest to him.

"Because we are going somewhere." He tells me and then looks at Em in the backseat. "So what do you want to eat."

"Chickey nuggets!" Emory said and I laughed at her. She loves Chick-fil-A. Blake drove us to a Chick-fil-A and ordered us both a chicken nugget meal. I climbed into the back with Emory and began tearing pieces of the nugget for her to eat. Once she ate I climbed back into the front and looked out the window. Blake was driving us somewhere away from where our apartment was.

About 10 minutes later, Blake pulled into a driveway of a beautiful house that I had never seen before. I turned and looked at Blake with a questioning look. He just grinned back at me.

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