Chapter 11

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"You can go home today." The doctor said. I cheered and caused the doctor to laugh. "I just need to go over instructions and then I will get you discharge papers."

"Alright. I'm ready whenever." I tell him. They had to keep me in here an extra day because my vitals were low. Now I'm more than ready to go home.

In the past two days Blake hasn't left my side. He's the one that helps me to the bathroom and helps feed me. My arms and legs are getting stronger so he hasn't had to help as much but I'm still in a lot of pain to move quickly.

"For the first two weeks you need to have someone with you. The concussion could cause you to fall or black out so to be on the safe side, just stay with someone. Your stitches will start dissolving in the next few days. The few cuts that still are bandaged, you need to make sure you change them daily. Have someone help you with showers so you don't get your cast wet or make the cuts bigger. No school for at least a week, maybe two. The pain should start to ease as the bruising and cuts are healing quickly. If the pain becomes really bad you can take two pain pills every 6 hours."

Once the doctor was finished with the instructions he went out to work on my discharge papers. I still had to change and brush my hair. I had Blake get the bag my mom brought.

"How do you want to do this?" Blake asked.

"I don't know. I think I need your help though." I tell him. I really didn't want him to see me naked.

"Let's just leave your gown on and I will put your underwear and pants on then we can work on your top." He suggested.

"Sure." He pulled out my underwear and put them on my legs. He pulled them up but kept me covered with the gown. Once they were up he got the sweatpants and pulled them up. He was gentle as to not hit the cuts.

"I'll just get behind you to put your bra on. I won't be able to see anything that way." He told me. I nodded and he went behind me. He untied the gown and fastened the bralette around me. I had my mom grab this one because it's a little big and soft. He then grabbed my sweatshirt and put it over my head.

"I can brush your hair if you want

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"I can brush your hair if you want." He tells me. I nod and sit down so that he can brush it. He actually did a good job and didn't rip it out. He was nice and gentle with it.

"Can you help me with the deodorant? I forgot about that." He nodded and took it from me. I had the spray deodorant so he just pulled the sweatshirt up a little and sprayed it on. "Thank you."

"Liv I told you that you didn't need to keep thanking me. It's fine." He said.

"Not only thank you for helping me but thank you for being here, for helping me with everything, for not making it weird when you literally just had to change my clothes. You've did so much." I told him.

"I've hardly did anything compared to what I will continue to do for you." He said and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss. Our moment was interrupted with the doctor walking in.

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