Chapter 8

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Blake's Pov

It's been five days since Liv has been home. I've called and texted her but no response. Drew is finally starting to worry. I'm beyond worried. I haven't slept for the past four nights waiting for her to come home. We told her mom yesterday and she called the police. Today they are supposed to come over and talk through everything with us.

The doorbell rings and I run over to answer it. It was the police. "I'm Blake. Come on in." I escorted them to the living room. "Olivias mom had an emergency at the hospital earlier so she had to leave. I'm her boyfriend and that's her brother Drew."

"We got the report that she went for a run five days ago and hasn't came back, is that right?" The first guy asked. He was holding the report in his hand.

"Yes sir. She was in her running clothes and told us she was going for a run and would be back in a little bit." Drew told him.

"Why did she go for a run? Is it for workouts for a sport?"

"She likes to stay healthy and it's a good way for her to clear her mind. Before she left she thought that I was mad at her but I wasn't. I would never be mad at her. At first we just thought that it was taking her longer because she wanted time to think about everything but it wouldn't take this long." I told him. He took notes as I spoke.

"Has she ever ran away before?"

"No. One time her and our mom got into a really bad argument. She went and stayed at a friends house for two days and came home to apologize. She still texted us and let us know that she was okay and where she was staying though." Drew said.

"Have you contacted her friends and anyone she could have stayed with? Has she responded to any of your texts?"

"We've call everyone, none of them have heard from her. We have tried to call and text her probably a hundred times but she hasn't read any of them. That's not like her either. She always reads her texts even if she don't respond she still reads them." Drew told them.

"Do you guys have your locations turned on? I know technology has improved recently and lots of times kids no where they are before we do."

"We always share our location but she hasn't been on the map since the day she went on the run. The last place I seen she was, was at that old park." Drew said.

"The one on Deefle street?" The other cop asked.

"Yeah that one." I confirmed.

"Okay. We will go there and check it out. See if we can find anything from her or see if she's there." They said.

"Can we go?" Drew and I ask at the same time.

"How old are you?" The second cop asks.

"I'll be 18 in two weeks and he will be 18 in a month." I tell them.

"We aren't supposed to do this but let's go." He said. We followed them out to the car and went to the park. "Look for anything that could be from her. Like a piece of fabric from her clothes, earring, hair accessory, anything." We nod and start walking the opposite way of them.

They cover the park and we look around on the side walk. This neighborhood looked abandoned so it would be easy to see a person walking. While drew looked around on the ground beside the pavement, I walked on the pavement.

A few yards down something shiny caught my eye. I jogged over to it and seen that it was a phone. It was in a clear case. I flipped it over and looked on the back. There was a picture of Liv and I at the pool last summer. This was Livs phone. "Guys!" I yell. They come jogging towards me.

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