Chapter 14

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It's been a little over two months since the accident. I'm all healed up now and only have a few scars left as a reminder. It's almost thanksgiving break and I really want it to hurry up. The news of the accident spread all over the school and I've gotten pity from everyone, including teachers.

Blake and I have been better than ever though. He's been the best to me. In fact right now I'm cuddled up on his chest and watching him sleep. I suddenly feel sick and try to pull away from Blake. I finally get out of his arms and run to the bathroom.

"Shit Liv, you okay?" Blake asked while he held my hair back so I wouldn't get vomit on it. I finished and flushed the toilet. "You look really pale. We should take you to the doctors."

"I'm okay." I tell him after I brush my teeth. I start to feel dizzy and before I know it I'm falling. Blake catch's me right before I hit the floor.

"We are going to the doctors." He states and walks me to my room. He goes to my closet and grabs me some clothes. For being close to Thanksgiving it's still in the low 70s today. He threw me my new favorite outfit that I had been wearing often. It was a loose skirt with a black tank. I threw a cover up over it since it was the fall.

He walks with me down the stairs and Drew stops us

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He walks with me down the stairs and Drew stops us. "Where are you guys going?"

"She just passed out after throwing up. I'm taking her to the doctors." Blake says.

"Okay. Text me if somethings wrong." He said and snuggled back against Lily who was asleep beside him. We nodded and walked to Blake's truck. He drove me to the doctors office and we went to the walk in clinic. I signed in and took a seat beside Blake.

"Olivia Hawk." The nurse called me back. I grabbed Blake's hand and we followed her into a room. "What seems to be the problem?"

"She threw up this morning and I noticed she was very pale. She then passed out but I caught her before she hit the floor." Blake explained for me.

"When was your last period?" She asked me.

"September 20th. My period is irregular."

"Is there a chance of pregnancy?" She asks.

"I can't have kids." I state.

"Oh I'm sorry. We can do some blood work and see if any of your counts are low. That would cause the passing out." She said and grabbed her lab kit. I held Blake's hand while she drew my blood. "I'll go run these tests. They should be back in 5-10 minutes."

We thanked her and she left. I pulled Blake beside of me and held onto his hand for dear life. I hate doctors offices. The doctor comes in 10 minutes later.

"The tests came back fine." She said.

"Then why did she pass out?"
Blake asked.

"Your pregnant." The doctor told me.

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