Chapter 16

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"Merry Christmas!" I tell Blake and roll on top of him. He smiles and kisses me. I move my head. "Morning breath." I tell him.

"I don't give a damn. Just one kiss?" He pouts. I smile at how cute he is. He leans up and kisses me before I have time to react. "Merry Christmas baby girl." He said and I can't help but kiss him again.

"We need to get up and go downstairs. They are all waiting." I tell him. I roll off him and go to my closet, that is now half mine and half Blake's. He put most of his clothes in my room since he stays with me.

I pick out my outfit and start to change. Blake comes in and grabs a red sweater and a pair of jeans. He quickly changes and sits on the bed. I change into a red sweater that matches Blake's. I put black leggings with my brown boots and white leg warmers over the boots. My belly is getting bigger so loose clothing is my go to.

 My belly is getting bigger so loose clothing is my go to

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"One more kiss before we go down." Blake tells me when I walk over to the bed. I peck his lips but he pulls me closer to him to kiss me harder. "Okay, now we can go." He said and grabbed my hand. We walked down the stairs together. My family was all sitting in the living room.

My mom was sitting in the arm chair, Drew was on the floor, and my dad was on the couch. Blake sat on the opposite side of the couch and I sat beside him and leaned on his chest. "There's the matching couple." My dad said, making me roll my eyes.

"Why do you two have to be like that?" Drew groans.

"Because we love each other, duh." I state.

"Alright, come on kids, it's Christmas and we are all together. Let's open presents." My mom said and got up. My dad helped her pass out the gifts.

I ended up with 10 boxes, Blake had 8, and Drew had 6. I wondered why I got so many but I didn't bother to ask. My mom opened her gifts first. I got her a new watch, my dad got her a gift card for her favorite mall store, and Drew got her a necklace.

I got my dad a gift card for red lobster, Drew got him a pair of shoes and my mom got him slippers. I got Drew a new video game, my mom got him new clothes, and my dad got him a controller.

"Hurry up and open your guys gifts." My mom ushered.

"Blake first." I state. I didn't want to move right now. He started with Drew's present. It was a shirt that said gamer dad and a video game. He moved to my dads present, it was a gift card to Buckle. Mom didn't get him one. She got us one together.

His last presents were the three that I got him. The first one was a new pair of boots for him. The bottom had the date we got together with a heart and on the other one was the date we found out I was pregnant with a baby foot. The next present was a pair of boots identical to his but for a baby. The third present was a pair of matching pajamas for both of us and the baby.

"Thank you baby girl." He said and leaned down to kiss me. "Now open yours."

My dad got me a gift card to bye bye baby. Drew got me a onesie that said 'I have a cool uncle' and he also gave me a gift card. My moms present to both Blake and I was a $500 gift card for the mall. "Thank you guys." I tell them. They all nod and watch as I open the remaining presents from Blake.

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