Chapter 7

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(Pov changes in this chapter)

Last night after we got home from the pool, I went up to bed. Blake stayed down in the basement to play video games. I ended up going down and sneaking into his bedroom after a few hours of trying to get to sleep.

He was laying on his bed only in boxers. I sighed at the sight. How did I get so lucky to have him? I climbed into his bed and as if it was an instinct, he wrapped his arms around me. I quickly fell asleep.

This morning I woke up to him tracing figures on my cheek. I open my eyes and see him staring at me. "When did you come in here?"

"I couldn't sleep so I came down here. Sorry." I tell him and let out a yawn.

"You're so cute when you yawn and it's fine. I like waking up to your beautiful face." He smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

"When did you get so soft?" I tease him.

"I am not soft." He grunts.

"Mhm sure." I say with a smile. He bends down to kiss my lips but I move away. "Morning breath." I told him and held up my hand.

"I don't give a damn. Kiss me."

"Nope." I say and he sighs.

"Whatever." He says and gets out of bed.

"You're mad." I state.

"No I'm just... just frustrated I guess. I don't care morning breath or not." He says.

"I just don't like the idea of it. It's gross. I have bad morning breath." I tell him.

"Alright." He says and pulls on a pair of shorts. He is mad. I get up and walk out of his room. I walk up to mine and use the bathroom before changing into a running outfit. I put on a Nike sport bra with a tank top over it and some nike pros. I braid my hair into a Dutch braid. I jog down the stairs and see Blake and Drew sitting on the couch.

"Where are you going?" Drew asks me.

"For a run. I'll be back later." I said and left before they asked me anything else. I started jogging down the street and I went to the old park that I would always go to last year. It was in a neighborhood that is pretty much abandoned. It flooded real bad two years ago and no one ever moved back.

I go over and rest on the bench. I think about Blake. I wish he was with me. But he's mad. Was this our first fight? It was over nothing. I'm just insecure and I have bad morning breath. I didn't want him to kiss me. I would have kissed him after I brushed my teeth. It wasn't that big of a deal to me.

I end up loosing track of time while I sit on the bench. I finally get up and start jogging down the abandoned street. I hear something behind me so I turn around but I don't see anything. I shrug it off and put my AirPods in my ears. I turn my music up full blast and keep jogging.

Something grabs my arm and I scream. The AirPods fall out of my ears and I turn around to look but something gets shoved over my eyes. I scream again as loud as I can but a rough hand covers my mouth. "Shut it bitch or it will be worse on you."

The voice that spoke to me was a guys deep voice. I could hear that they were trying to disguise their voice. I kicked out and knocked them in between the legs. "You fucking bitch." They grunt and grip my wrist so hard I swear I can hear my bone snapping. I feel something sharp go into my arm and everything goes black.

Blake's Pov

"Why isn't she back yet?" I ask Drew for the third time in the last hour. It's getting dark out and she's been gone for over 8 hours. No way could she still be running.

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