Chapter 24

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It's move in day. We are officially moving into our apartment on campus and becoming college freshman's. Right now my room is a mess. We have everything threw into boxes or suitcases and stacked up by my door. All of Emorys stuff is already in Blake's truck.

Drew, Lily, Blake and I are all going to the same college. Drew and Lily are living in the dorms while Blake and I are living in the apartments that's about a 10 minute walk from the dorms. We chose the apartments due to having Emory and being right near the daycare that is on campus. We can drop Emory off in the morning and pick her up after our class if we have over lapping classes.

Blake and I got our schedules and there's only two days a week that we have overlapping classes, the other days I have classes first and then Blake has classes in the afternoon. All of our classes are over with by 3 o'clock so that leaves us with the whole evening to spend time together. This is honestly such a great plan and college. The college is very accepting to teenage parents.

The campus even has a playground that is right beside the day care. Blake thought of everything and has already got our keys for the apartment. All we have to do is move our stuff in and organize the apartment.

I find Emorys first outfit and smile. She is now up to 6 pounds and is breathing completely on her own. She can come home any day now. We are awaiting the call so every time my phone rings we both jump to answer it.

"Do you have everything packed?" Drew asks me as he walks into the room.

"Yes. We just have to load it all into his truck. Are you and Lily riding up together?" I ask him.

"No, Lily has to take her car with her stuff because it won't all fit in my jeep." Drew told me.

"Oh okay. What time are you leaving?" I ask him.

"I'll probably leave when you guys leave." He says and starts to help Blake take suitcases downstairs.

Two hours later we were all packed and starting our drive to the college. It's going to be weird not to see Zach or Ryan everyday. They both went to the community college in the town over from where we lived.

On the silent drive to the campus I started to think about life. Most couples that go to college end up breaking up. What if something happens between me and Blake? What if he finds someone better? Before I know it, I'm full out sobbing.

"Liv? Baby what's wrong?" Blake asks as he glanced over at me.

"What if you find someone better? Prettier and smarter. Someone who doesn't have a scared up body." I say through my sobs. He grabs my hand and pulls it into his lap.

"You're the one for me. Nobody else. You're my fiancé which means your the one I'm marrying. I don't care what your body looks like, to me it's perfect. I promise you that I won't even look at girls when I get there." He says and that makes me cry harder.

"You can't promise that because you don't know." I sob into my arm to try and muffle the noise.

"I can promise that to you because my heart belongs to only two women: you and Emory. You two fill up my whole heart so there's no room for anyone else unless it's another baby of ours. That's the only room that I will make." He states and squeezes my hand. "Incase you haven't figured it out, I've fallen for you Liv. I've fallen hard and I'm too deep to let anyone destroy it. I'm yours and yours completely."

"I've fallen for you too." I whisper to him.

"Good baby, because I love you." He said to me. I smiled and rested my head against the window. I ended up falling asleep to dreams of our wedding.

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