Chapter 17

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"Hurry up Liv, we are going to be late." Blake said. He's been trying to get me out of bed for the last thirty minutes. The baby has me extremely tired today but the thought of seeing my baby and finding out if it's a boy or girl has me excited.

The past month hasn't been easy. We had a scare where my sugar dropped and I passed out. Now I have to make sure I'm constantly eating and drinking along with no exercise. My mom had to talk to all my teachers at school so now I ride the elevator instead of the stairs. They deemed the stairs as too dangerous for a high risk pregnant girl.

"Come on Liv." Blake says and removes my blankets. I groan but get up. I go to my closet and pull out some black leggings and a PINK pullover with my white adidas. My bump has gotten bigger so I wear baggy shirts to cover it.

"Okay, I'm ready

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"Okay, I'm ready." I tell Blake as I walk back to my room. He stands up and walks to me. He gives me a hug and places his hand on my bump. I have yet to feel the baby kick. I'm really hoping it is soon though.

"Gosh I love feeling your bump." Blake said and kissed me. I laughed and pulled him downstairs. Drew was sitting on the couch.

"Are you finding out the sex today?" He asked us and I nod.

"We are having her write it in an envelope and when I hit 20 weeks we will have a gender reveal/baby shower type of thing." I tell him.

"Why wait until 20 weeks? That's a whole month away." He asks.

"Because I want to wait as long as possible before it gets out. I can probably still hide it for another month but after 20 weeks I will start getting bigger."

"I don't understand why you don't just tell people." Drew states.

"You know why. There's a chance that I will loose the baby. More people that knows will make more people to tell me sorry. I don't want that." I tell him and walk out as I was on the verge of crying. Every time I think about that chance of loosing him or her, I end up crying. I don't want to loose my baby.

"Liv, it will all be okay." Blake said and came up beside me. He wrapped his arms around and I started to cry. He sighed and kissed my head. "We really need to leave now or we will be late."

"I'm sorry." I say and wipe my tears. "I'm being overly emotional."

"No you're not, you're being pregnant. It will all be fine." He reassured me and helped me into his truck. He climbed into the drivers seat and drove us to the doctors. We got to the hospital and signed in before taking a seat in the waiting room.

"Olivia Hawk?" A nurse called. Blake and I stood up and followed the nurse into a room. She took my height and weight before taking my vitals. "How have you been feeling?"

"I've been more tired lately. The morning sickness is gone though." I tell her.

"That's normal." She says and looks at the chart. "The doctor should be in here soon to do the ultrasound." We thanked the nurse and she left. Blake stood by my side, holding my hand. For some reason I was nervous. There was a knock on the door a few minutes later and the doctor walked in.

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