Chapter 4

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I wake up to a pillow hitting my face. "What the hell?" I ask. I squint my eyes and see Drew standing there. I also notice that I'm still in the basement and Blake is laying on my legs.

"Why are you still down here?" He asked me.

"I must've fallen asleep." I groaned. My neck and back hurt. Blake started stirring and I hoped he would wake up and get off my legs. He opened his eyes and looked around. "Can you sit up?" I asked him. He did and I finally got feeling in my legs.

"You weigh a ton." I joke to him.

"Haha." He mocked. "What time is it?"

"It's 11." Drew said.

"We missed school." He groaned.

"We are skipping the rest of the week." I told him and he nodded. I walked upstairs to my room and used the bathroom. When I was done I checked my phone. I have had it in my room all night. I had over a million TikTok notifications. I ran downstairs to tell Blake.

"I'm famous." I squeal and he looks at me like I'm crazy so I shove my phone in his face. "1.4 million likes and 113k followers. Our video blew up."

"Look at all these girls wanting my TikTok." Blake said with a laugh.

"You don't even have one." I roll my eyes.

"Maybe I should get one." He says and continues to look through the comments. "They all either say #goals, asking for my username or telling you that you're gorgeous." He said.

"I don't care what they say. I finally got over a million views so I'm happy." I say with a shrug.

"Wassup bitches." Zach says and comes running towards me. He flops on top of me and I shove him to the ground.

"You're such a dumbass." I roll my eyes at him.

"Ow Liv. That hurts me." He says mocking his hurt. "Anyways we are going to the bar tonight. They are having dancing competitions and we want to go."

"I'm down. I love dancing." I shrug.

"I don't know." Blake said. I completely forgot about what happened for a minute.

"Come on Blake. It will be fun and there will be hot girls in shorts so short that you can see ass." Zach said. That's all he thinks about is girls.

"I guess I will go but I'm not drinking." He states.

"Great. You can be designated driver." Zach said and clapped his hands. I roll my eyes. How can someone have this much energy.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask.

"Because he got laid last night, duh." Drew told me and I fake gagged.

"Gross dude. I don't want to know." I say.

"She was super hot and had great tits. She smelled a bit though." He laughed.

"Alright that's my cue to leave." I say and run up stairs. I hear laughing behind me but I keep going. I walked in the kitchen and seen mom in there.

"Hey momma." I said and she smiled.

"Hey sweetie. I just got off the phone with the station. They said as long as our home looks good and he chooses to stay here then it's fine." She told me.

"I'm glad. I feel horrible about it. I hate seeing him hurt."

"I know it's hard. Especially to see a guy go through it when they always act tough. Just be there for him and try to take his mind off of it."

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