Chapter 26

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It's been two weeks since we brought Emory home. It's been hard but we've made it through. We kept Emory on her schedule that she had while in the nicu. She wakes up every four hours in the night to be fed. She doesn't cry much. She gets a little fussy and whines when she's hungry, other than that she's been good.

We got to give her her first bath last week. I was scared to death that she would be one of the babies that hate water but as soon as she was in her bath chair, she started giggling. I got a video of her smiling while Blake washed her. It was honestly so cute.

We met Sara and Mike in the hallway yesterday. Colton loves Blake and I. Anytime they pass our door Colton likes to stop and knock to say hi to us. He's 8 months older than Emory. His birthday was yesterday. We invited Sara and Mike over for dinner today. We are going to surprise Colton with a cake and Blake picked out a little Power Wheels truck for him.

I went into Blake and I's room to try and find an outfit. Our closet was smashed full of clothes. I decided on a light blue floral dress. Blake was wearing a white shirt with his dark jeans. I fixed my hair into its natural beach waves and put on a little bit of makeup.

I next went to Emorys room where Blake was feeding her

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I next went to Emorys room where Blake was feeding her. I looked through her dresser and picked out a cute little outfit. It was a light maroon color jumper with a floral head wrap.

I went back out to the kitchen to take the lasagna out of the oven

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I went back out to the kitchen to take the lasagna out of the oven. I had made salad, lasagna and garlic bread. Blake had set the table while I placed Emory in her swing and buckled her in. I heard a knock at the door so I went to open it. Sara, Mike and Colton stood in the hallway. Colton came running to my legs and gave me a hug before wobbling his way to Blake.

"Hey guys, come in." I tell them and open the door farther.

"Thanks for having us over." Sara told me as we walked to the kitchen.

"No problem. You guys are always welcome to come and hang out with us." I heard Coltons laughter come from the living room. I looked over to see Blake holding him up and running around the room like an airplane. "And of course Colton is also always welcome." I say with a laugh.

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