Chapter 27

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Two Months Later
(Emory is 7 months old)

I woke up to my alarm ringing. I groaned but rolled away from Blake. I turned the alarm off and got out of bed. I went straight for Emorys room. She was awake and kicking her legs at me. She smiled when she saw me. She's gotten so much bigger than she was when we brought her home a few months ago.

I took her out of the crib and walked to the kitchen where I fed Emory a bottle. Once she was fed and burped, I took her back to her nursery and changed her diaper. I picked out a grey long sleeve onesie and a head wrap for her to wear. I dressed her and took her back to my room.

Blake was still laying down but he was awake

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Blake was still laying down but he was awake. I laid Emory down on the bed beside him while I went to get dressed and ready for my classes. I chose a light pink sweater and some ripped jeans. I left my hair in natural waves and did light makeup.

One I was finished, I walked back into the room

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One I was finished, I walked back into the room. Blake was laying with Emory on his chest. I smiled and snapped a picture before walking over to the bed and sitting down next to Blake. "I have a class at 8 and one at 9:15. I'll be back right after the class is finished." I told Blake. We had our classes to where I had mine in the morning and Blake had his in the afternoon. We were able to keep Emory out of the daycare by staggering our schedules.

"Okay. I have classes at 12 and 1. I'll come back and we can go on a walk." We try to go on a walk everyday. With it getting colder it has gotten harder to go everyday. Today it was a warm day at 65° so it was a great day for a walk.

"Alright. I better go before I'm late." I said and kissed Blake. "Bye Emory." I said and kissed my little girl. She smiled at me and let out a small giggle.

"Bye, love you Liv." Blake said and gave me one more kiss.

"Bye, love you too." I said before grabbing my bag and leaving the apartment. I walked to my class and seen Lily walking. She came up to me and walked with me. "Hey!"

"Hey! I feel like we haven't seen you in a while. We live on the same campus but yet see each other only a few times a week." Lily said and gave me a hug.

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