Chapter 22

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Time skip a month later. It's now the beginning of May.

Back to Livs Pov

It's been a month. A whole month since I've had little Emory. The past month has been very stressful and I've felt myself pull away from my friends and family. I've even been distant with Blake. It's not like I want to but every time I want to have fun and be with people, I think of Emory, all alone in the big hospital.

We are only able to visit her for two hours a day as of right now. We still have yet got to hold or touch her. She had a condition when she was first born where her skin was very thin. A light touch could break it or cause a bruise. With this condition we haven't been able to touch her until her skin thickens some.

My dad and mom have started talking again and have worked out their issues. I'm not for sure if they are going to get back together or not but I can tell that they are happy where they are. My dad moved back into the house. He stays in the room that Blake used to stay in and Drew moved back up to beside my room. We decided that we wouldn't build a nursery and just wait until we moved into our small apartment on campus.

My mom started to work less and is now home more than just time for sleep. Drew started working at a local diner that Lily's uncle owns. She also works with him. Luke moved back in with his parents so now we are just stuck with Zach and Ryan. Ryan actually found himself a girl. Her name is Ali. She's nice but I haven't got to talk to her much since I normally stay up in my room.

Blake and I are doing our school work online now. We actually graduate next week. Neither one of us have got a job yet because we've had enough savings to last and plus the money I make off of TikTok and YouTube is very generous.

"The guys want to go out tonight, do you feel up for it?" Blake asks me when he walks into the room. He's been careful with what he says to me as has everyone else. They all act like they are walking on ice around me. At first I kept breaking down and sobbing when anyone would try to talk to me but I've gotten a little better now.

I think about the answer before I tell him. "Yeah sure." I say and he looks at me. He's surprised I actually agreed. He came over and sat next to me on the bed. He grabbed my hands and rested them in his lap.

"Really? Your sure?" He asks and I nod.

"I'm sorry for everything that I've put you through and everyone else. I want to go back to how I was, how we were. My emotions are still a bit crazy but I'm trying to control them. But I'm sorry, really sorry." He pulls me into a hug and I cuddle into his chest. Lately we haven't been cuddling or doing anything romantic. I stay in bed and he offers to stay with me but I tell him to go so he goes and hangs out with my brother. At bed time he crawls in beside me and I don't make a move to cuddle against him like I normally would.

"Baby, you don't need to apologize. I know you are going through a lot and this is your way of coping with your emotions. Just know that I'm here. I'm not going anywhere no matter how much you yell at me to leave. Your family is also here for you." He tells me. I lean up and put my lips to his. He immediately kisses back. I pull his tongue into my mouth as we kiss. I can feel that he's smiling.

"I've missed that." I say after I pull away. He grins down at me and kisses my cheek.

"You should get ready. We are going for dinner and then I told them that me and you are stopping at the hospital." He said and let me get up. I went into the closet and shut the door. I'm not comfortable with him seeing my body this way. I have scarring from the stitches and I'm extra chubby in the belly area.

I picked out light blue boot cut jeans with a fall colored long sleeve shirt. Under the shirt, I wore a black bralette that could be seen at the neckline of the shirt.

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