Chapter 10

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"Liv, wake up Liv." I heard Blake's voice. I stirred a little and flinched from the pain. "Easy. Don't move fast."

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"The doctor was in and your tests are normal so far. If everything is still good then you can go home tomorrow."

"Good. I'm ready to be out of this place." I said and looked at the door to see Drew walk in. "Hey bro." I called to him.

"You remember me yet?" He teased.

"Sure do Drew. I'm sorry for not remembering you."

"It's not your fault Liv." He chuckled and then frowned. "I'm sorry for not being more worried about you and trying to find you sooner. I just thought it was like that time when you and mom fought."

"I was planning on coming right back home. It's fine. I'm alive and I'll get better from all this." I tell him with a smile.

"You're strong Liv." He said. "By the way the police were outside. They are coming soon." He got it out just as there was a knock on the door. He chuckled and went to open it.

"Olivia, you feeling better?" The officer from yesterday asked.

"I'm able to remember everything now but it feels like my body has been hit by a semi." I laugh.

"It's good to see you laughing. Do you care if I ask you questions about what happened?" He asked.

"Not at all. I remember all of it, well I remember the things that happened while I was conscious. I can tell you all of it." I say.

"Sure. Go through everything on how it happened. If it gets to be too much just stop and we can wait until later." He said. I nodded and went into the story.

"I went for a run to clear my head. I stopped at that park and sat on the bench for a little bit. When I started running again I heard something behind me but when I turned around nothing was there. I just turned my music on and kept running. I ran a few more yards before someone grabbed my wrist and jerked me back. My phone and AirPods fell when they did that. There were two people in black outfits, masks and sunglasses. They were also disguising their voice. I started screaming and they gripped my wrist hard. I think that's what broke it. I kicked the one that was holding me in the balls and he grumbled before the other one came behind me and gave me a shot of something causing me to be knocked out.

"When I woke up I was tied to a wall in a very cold basement. They seen me struggling to get out of the ropes. The big guy came over and started calling me a bitch and I worked the tape off my mouth to scream. When I screamed he brought his fist to my stomach and knocked my breath out of me. He kicked me and punched me. He hit my head and it bounced off the wall causing me to pass out.

"I don't know when I woke up again but I tried to stay quiet. They had stripped my clothes off while I was knocked out and I was freezing. They eventually noticed I was awake and he came over with the knife. He started cutting me and I guess I lost to much blood because I passed out again. That was the last thing that I remember until I woke up here." I tell the officer. He wrote it all down.

"Did they touch you in private areas or do anything else?" He was talking about rape.

"I-I don't really know. I woke up without clothes. They didn't do it while I was awake." I tell him with a shudder. I have bought this over so much and I could only hope that I was still the virgin that I was before this incident.

"We have the two guys in custody. We haven't been able to find out why they chose you. I'm guessing you were in the wrong place at the wrong time and they seen a young girl to use as a toy. The guys will be sent to prison as we have evidence of what they did to you."

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