Chapter 30- Epilogue 3

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6 years later
Emory 10
Colton 11

The past few years have been hard on everyone but especially Blake and I. After I found out that I was pregnant, we made an appointment. I was 5 weeks at my first appointment and everything looked good. We heard the faint heartbeat and got pictures. At my 8 week ultrasound, they couldn't find a heartbeat. I suffered a first trimester miscarriage.

To say it was devastating would be an understatement. Blake and I were crushed. He kept his promise though and wouldn't leave my side. Mike and Sara along with my parents took turns watching Emory for a couple weeks when I fell into a depression. Blake helped me get back up and we went to a counselor together. We started coping and continued our lives.

Today my parents got remarried. After I had Emory, my dad started staying in our old house. We noticed the two of them get closer and closer and then last year they announced that they were getting married again. They moved to Florida in the house that my dad owned down there. Drew and Lily got married and had their first baby three years ago. They had a little boy.

Drew and Lily moved to Florida to be close to our parents. Blake and I were left with the hard decision on staying here or moving with my family. After three months of debating we decided to move with them. We will be staying in an apartment down there and keeping our house in Tennessee in case we ever want to go back.

Colton and Emory are best friends and are both upset and angry at us for moving. I feel horrible that we are splitting them up but we are going to come back and visit. Them two are inseparable and it sucks that they have to be apart for a while. That was what made the moving decision so hard.

"Do you have everything packed?" Blake asked me. I nodded my head. We've already sent most of our items that we need down to Florida. Now all we have is a few suitcases of close and pictures. We have to drive down in our new truck since we can't leave it up here. Blake finally had to buy a new truck. His old truck still runs but we didn't want to drive it all the way down to Florida. Plus it was hard for Emory to get in. We now have a new Chevy Silverado.

"Em is already out in the truck waiting on us

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"Em is already out in the truck waiting on us." Blake tells me as he grabs the last suit case. I grab my keys and purse before locking the door to our house. Who knows when the next time we will be back here.

We all got loaded into the truck and Blake took off driving to Florida. Half way there we got a call from Sara. "Hey Sara." I answered.

"It's Colton. How far have y'all gotten?" He asked me.

"Oh hey Colton. We are about half way." I tell him.

"Okay. Dad wanted to know and make sure you guys were all good." He said. Coltons became like a second child to Blake and I. He used to always ask to sleep over or Emory would sleep over with them. It was the cutest thing ever. We would let them sleep in the same bed and they would always wake up with Emory laying across Colton.

"Yep we are all good. Em's asleep in the back or I'd let you talk to her. Maybe call later and you can talk." I told him.

"Okay. Tell Blake I said hi and that I already miss you guys." He said. I had the phone on speaker so Blake heard.

"Hey Colt. We miss you too buddy. Hopefully we will see you soon." Blake spoke to him.

"Hope so." Colton said.

"Tell your mom that we will call when we get to our apartment. You better get off here and go to bed mister." I tell him in a stern voice that makes us both laugh.

"I am. Bye Blake, bye Liv. Love y'all."

"Bye Colton, love you too bud." Blake and I said in unison before I hung up the phone.

"I'm going to miss that boy." Blake says to me.

"Same. I just hope Em will be okay without him. What happens if she doesn't adjust to Florida well?" I ask Blake.

"Then we move back." He says with a shrug. I nod and lean my head against the window. I doze off and don't wake up until we are about 10 minutes away from our apartment. I look in the back to see Emory awake.

"How you doing Em?" I ask her.

"I like that we will live on the beach but I want Colton to be here momma." She says to me.

"I'm sorry sweetie. I wish they could have moved down here with us but Coltons dad has his business there and can't move it. You can call Colton whenever you want to as long as it's not during his bedtime." I tell her with a small frown. This move is going to be extra hard on her.

"We're here." Blake says and shuts the truck off. We all get out and stretch our legs. Blake goes and grabs the suitcases while I help Emory jump down. I hold her hand while we walk through the parking building and find the elevator. The apartment is supposed to be fully furnished and our things are already waiting on us thanks to Drew and my dad.

When we get to our apartment, I let Emory go. "Go find your room baby." I tell her and she runs off. It's a three bedroom apartment. The third bedroom is a guest room/office.

"The view is great here." I tell Blake as I look out from our balcony. We are right on the water and can see the ocean as far out as possible.

"That it is." He says and wraps his arms around my waist as we both stare and watch the waves crash onto the beach and all of the kids running on the beach. This is a new chapter in our life and hopefully it will all work out.

So this is the third epilogue. I know it was short but it was mainly to update you on her pregnancy. We are so close to the end with only two more chapters left and then it will be to Colton and Emory Povs.

I haven't decided if I want the book to be in just Coltons POV or in just Emorys POV or in both and switch them around. I'm leaning towards having it in both that way we can see both of their views.

Edited April 26, 2021

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