Chapter 25

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I wake up to my phone ringing. I groan and roll away from Blake to answer it. I don't bother to look at the caller id. "Hello." I answer lazily.

"Is this Olivia Hawk?" A girls voice asked.

"Yes. This is her." I say and become a little more awake.

"This is Emorys doctor. She has been doing great and has been eating and gaining weight. We have started with her discharge papers and she is ready to go home." I smile and thank the doctor quickly before I squeal and wake Blake up.

"What? What's wrong?" He shoots up out of bed and stares at me.

"Emory can come home today!" I squeal. He hugs me and kisses my head.

"That's great. When do we need to make the drive back to the hospital?" She's still in the hospital close to the house. The past three days we haven't been able to visit her since we have been adjusting and setting our apartment all up. It sucked and it made me feel like a bad parent.

"They are working on her papers now." I tell him and get out of bed. I pulled on a fall color striped sweater with a pair of denim skinny jeans and my white converses. I brushed my hair out and put on some light makeup.

"Blake, hurry up and get dressed

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"Blake, hurry up and get dressed." I tell him when I see that he is still laying on the bed. I go over and pull him up. He groans but walks to the bathroom where he does his business and changes into his jeans and black shirt.

"Are you ready now?" I ask him. I already had the car seat and diaper bag loaded into the truck.

"Yeah. Let's go. We need to stop and get breakfast somewhere though." He tells me. I agree and we walk down to his truck. I put on the radio and Lady by Brett Young played. "This song reminds me of how it will be with Emory."

"Awww Blake that's so cute. I love that." I aw at him. Since the song has started playing on the radio, I've loved it. It always makes me think of how its going to be in the future when Emory grows up. I hope she's an easy baby and that we will maintain a good relationship even after she gets into high school.

"I just always want Emory to know that she can come to us anytime and tell us anything. I wouldn't even know how to be mad if she told me something bad. I'd be mad that she did it but I couldn't get mad at her since she was honest and told us, you know?" Blake said and I knew exactly what he meant.

"And I don't think we should get mad at her. I think we should explain and talk to her about why it was wrong but I don't think we should punish her since she actually came to us. I want to keep a good relationship and know about what's going on in her life. If we punish her for telling us something that she did, it's just going to make her not tell us anything." I tell him.

"I totally agree with that. We will be great parents baby." He stated and smiled over at me.

"I hope so." I say. Blake pulls into the McDonald's drive thru and orders us each an egg biscuit.

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