Chapter 23

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"Happy Birthday baby girl!" Blake whisper yelled. He kissed me and wrapped his arms around me. "How does it feel to finally be 18?"

"It's feels the same but what makes it better is seeing Emory." Blake and I graduated almost 5 weeks ago. Emory has been making a huge progress. She's 4 pounds and 3 once's. 19 inches long. She's gotten so much bigger that I can't believe it.

She started to grow in hair over the past week. She now has little blonde hairs coming in. She loves kangaroo time. We can now hold her as much as we want. Blake and I take turns doing kangaroo time. They have also started to let us hold her while she's swaddled.

Today they are going to try putting her in clothing for the first time. "It's the best birthday gift ever to get to see her in clothes." I tell Blake.

"I'm excited too. I hope she does okay in the clothes we bought though." Blake says. We had to special order tiny clothes that would fit her since she is so tiny. She is 8 weeks old and would be 33 weeks into gestation. She's improved a lot faster than most babies born at 25 weeks.

We got out of bed and got dressed. I wore a pair of black shorts and a turquoise top. Blake changed into blue jeans and a black shirt. On the way out the door I grabbed the diaper bag that held clothes for Emory. We had multiple different outfits.

"I can't wait until we can bring her home

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"I can't wait until we can bring her home." I tell Blake as we are making the all to familiar drive to the hospital.

"Same. I want both of my girls under the same roof." He says and I grin at his 'my girls'.

"I love you so much Blake." I state and he grabs my hand with one hand.

"And I love you Liv. I can't wait until we get married and I can call you my wife." He says which makes me grin harder.

"I can't wait to be able to call you my husband. When are you wanting to get married?" I ask him. We have never talked about it.

"It really doesn't matter to me. Whatever you want as long as it's in the next five years." He tells me.

"I've been thinking about it a lot lately. What if we wait until Emory is at least two and can walk down the aisle? She can be our flower girl." I suggest.

"I love that idea." He smiles at me and pulls into a parking space. We walk into the hospital, hand in hand. We had to stop at the nurse station to get a pass and the nurse led us to Emorys new room. She has a private room all to herself.

We walk in the room and the doctor is in there. "Well hello you two. I was hoping to see you." The doctor smiled at us.

"How's she doing today?" I ask her.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you two about. We did some testing and I think she's ready to try and breathe on her own." The doctor says and I smile.

"That's great!" I exclaim.

"Yes it is. She's making huge steps. We also weighed her again. She's up to 4lbs 6 ounces and is 19 and a half inches long. Are you ready to try clothes today?" I nod and pat the diaper bag.

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