Chapter 20

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Liv is 25 weeks now

Over the past month we have bought everything that we could need. We wanted to have it all ready early instead of waiting until I was too fat to move. Right now I'm standing in my closet trying to pick out an outfit to wear to school. I decide on a grey and white striped t shirt dress with a long cardigan on top. I pair it with my white converses. I've been going for comfort here lately.

"About time. You are about to make us late." Drew groaned when I walked downstairs. Blake was standing near the door with his keys.

"Well I'm sorry but I'm fat and can't fit into over half of my clothes." I roll my eyes at him and walk outside. Blake comes to my side and picks me up to help me get into his truck. It's easier for him to just put me in it then waiting on me to struggle and climb in.

We got to school in ten minutes and walked to our first period. I still got some weird looks since my bump was now out in the open but I just ignored everything and focused on Blake. Since he was the most popular player in the school, the first week after we shared the pictures of our gender reveal was a lot of rumors. They were about Blake leaving me and he was only with me because I forcing him and so on.

Now the rumors have quit and the staring isn't as bad. When I enter first period, I go to my seat and sit down. I've began to pay more attention in classes and learn about the stuff they are teaching. Since I will be a mom soon I need to step up and be at the top of the class.

It was now 6th period and I was feeling very drowsy. I asked the teacher if I could use the bathroom to try and wake myself up. I sat down and seen blood in my underwear. I was bleeding, but why? I rush out of the bathroom and back to class to get Blake. I'm really starting to get dizzy.

I bust through the door and I feel all eyes on me but right now I don't care. I go to Blake's desk and hold on to him so I don't fall over. "Somethings wrong." I get the words out and I feel my eyes become heavy. Before I knew what was happening, everything went black.

Blake's POV

I noticed that Liv was acting more tired today. I figured it was where the baby kept her up all night from kicking. When she went out of class I wanted to follow her to make sure she felt alright but the teacher wouldn't let me. A few minutes later she came busting back in the door. She looked pale and unsteady. She held onto my shoulder and whispered, "somethings wrong."

I didn't know what she meant until she passed out in my arms. I caught her before she could fall to the floor and I looked up for help. I didn't know what to do but I knew she needed an ambulance. "I'm calling 911." Some girl yelled out. I didn't respond because I was to worried about my Liv.

The school got shut down on code blue and all of the kids in our class were made to leave. They tried getting me out as well but I told them that I wouldn't leave her. After five minutes of holding her the ambulance came. They brought in a stretcher and immediately rushed her out of the school. I ran behind them and jumped into the ambulance.

"She's 25 weeks pregnant." I tell them. The girl paramedic looks up at me.

"You the dad?" She asks me.

"Dad and her fiancé." I told her. She looked down at Livs ring as if she didn't believe me but once she seen it she nodded.

"Has she been acting normal?"

"All except for a few hours ago. I noticed she seemed more tired. She went to the bathroom in class and came back in running towards me. She was pale and steadied herself on me. She said something was wrong and then she passed out. I caught her before she hit the floor." I told the girl about what happened.

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