Chapter 21

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Blake's Pov

"Blake you should go home and rest. I'll stay here with her." Ben told me.

"No I'm staying with her." I shake my head to him. I have to be with Liv.

"You've been sitting in this chair for three days. You should go home and get some rest. I know sitting in that chair can't feel good on you back." He tried again and I shook my head.

"I'm staying here." I stayed still.

"At least go lay down on the sofa and try to get some sleep?" He asked. I looked over at the sofa by the window and contemplated my choice. It wouldn't hurt anything since I would still be in the room if anything happened.

"Alright. Wake me up if anything happens." I tell him and he nods. He takes my seat and I go lay on the sofa. It doesn't take me long to pass out since I haven't gotten much sleep in the past three days. Liv still hasn't woke up but our baby girl is luckily still fighting. I still haven't went and seen her because I want to wait until Liv can go with me.

I wake up a few hours later and I hear voices in the room. I look up and see Liv talking with her parents and Drew. Wait, Liv is talking? Liv is awake? Liv is awake! Why didn't they wake me up? I rush over to the other side of the bed and grab Livs hand. She turns over towards me and smiles.

"Why didn't anyone wake me?" I ask them and I can feel that I'm on the verge of tears just from seeing her eyes and hearing her voice. Them were somethings that I thought I might never be able to do again.

"She just woke up a minute ago. We were about to wake you." Ben said. I looked back at Liv and couldn't help but stare into her eyes. I've missed seeing them the past three days.

"What happened?" She asked to know one in particular.

"You passed out from heavily bleeding." Her mom started and Livs hands instantly went to her stomach that no longer was a bump. It was flat.

"No." She whispered and shook her head. "The baby!?" She looked up to me with tears in her eyes. I leaned down and took her hand again. I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it.

"She's fighting. She was born really early but she's a fighter." I tell her. Relief floods her face but I know she's still worried. "Once the doctor comes and checks you out, we can go see her."

"Does she look like me or you?" She asks me.

"I haven't went and seen her. I wanted you to be there." I tell her and she nods slowly.

"Thank you for everything, for staying here and for our little girl." She says and looks sad again.

"Anything for you." I tell her and kiss her forehead.

"Would you guys stop being all mushy? I know this is a good moment but you guys make me want to gag." Drew states.

"Drew!" Gina yells at her son. "Let then have their moment." Drew rolls his eyes and sits down in the chair.

"I'll go get the doctor." Gina said. Ben went out with her but he went to go to the cafeteria to get some lunch. I look back to Liv and see tears still in her eyes.

"What's wrong Liv?" I ask her.

"It's my fault that our baby was born so early. I had one job and that was to carry her for 9 months. I couldn't do that and now she has to fight to live." She said and started crying.

"No Liv, it's not your fault. We knew something like this could happen. This is a better scenario then what could have happened. Our little girl is alive and fighting. We need to be strong for her." I tell her and squeeze her hands.

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