Chapter 12

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"There's my Livy!" The annoying voice of Zach woke me up. I looked over to the clock and seen it was 11 o'clock.

"Shut up Zach."

"I haven't seen you in over a week and you treat me like that, that's rude." He states and I roll my eyes. Blake stirs awake next to me. He sits up and Zachs eyes goes wide. He must not have noticed him sleeping next to me. "Since when do you two sleep in the same bed?"

"Since we started dating." I smirked. Zach must not have figured it out. "Did you actually not know?"

"I-well I knew you guys were more flirty and while you were missing Blake didn't sleep at all and was a total grouch but I didn't put it together." He says with a shrug.

"Why are you here so early?" Blake groans.

"I wanted to see Liv duh." The puppy started moving under my sheets and popped her head out. "You got a puppy?"

"We found her outside in the bush." I say with a shrug. Then Drew, Ryan and my dad walks in. I have zero privacy.

"Liv!" Ryan said. "I've missed you."

"I'm sure you did." I laugh.

"We all did. It's not the same without your bitchy remarks." Zach says and they all laugh. I roll my eyes at him but don't say anything since my dad is in the room.

"I really need to shower and get dressed." I tell them.

"How are you going to do that?" Drew asks me.

"Blake helped me at the hospital, he can help me now." I shrug. Zach, Ryan and my brother left but dad stayed.

"Are you sure he should be helping you?" My dad asked me. I nod. "I just didn't know."

"It's fine. We are together." I tell him. He probably still didn't know and that's why he asked.

"Oh. You guys are dating?" He asked and I nodded. "I'm sorry I didn't know that." He chuckled.

"It's fine dad. He was always there at the hospital to help me so I'll just have him help me here too." I tell him. He nods and leaves. I look to Blake. "Do you want to help me shower?"

"Yeah, of course." He said.

"I didn't know because it's just that we won't have clothes on and I got all these scars and bruises." I ramble.

"Liv I don't care what you look like, okay?" He asks.

"I wish I was a guy." I sigh. Guys have it so much easier. They don't have to be worried about everything like a girl does.

"Why?" He asked with confusion on his face.

"I don't know. It seems like they have everything easier. They don't have to worry about their body and small things like stretch marks or shapes of your body. They don't go through the pain we go through physical and emotional." I say.

"It's not all that great. We still have to be worried about things. We have to be worried about our voices and our face. Girls don't like a guy that has a high pitched voice or a baby face. We also have to worry about our height and our size. Girls think guys need to be the taller one. Our size is the main thing. What if it's only like four inches? We can't help that but we still get made fun of for it." He defended.

"I never thought of it like that. But the guys don't get the pain."

"That is true." He said. I feel bad for saying that stuff now. He made a good point. I don't think he has to worry about any of them though.

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