Chapter 18 (part 1)

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One month later
(Liv is 20 weeks)

"Wake up Livy!" I heard Zach annoying voice. I groaned and buried my face into Blake's chest. "Liv, get your ass up."

"Don't mess with a pregnant girl Zach. We need our sleep." I groan but roll over. Blake is also awake.

"But you need to get up. We get to prove that the baby is a boy in a few hours." Zach said. It's Saturday and I'm officially 20 weeks, so far so good. The doctors said that everything looks healthy so far. The baby has been moving around and kicking. The kicks hurt but it gives me satisfaction that the baby is still alive and doing good.

Drew and Ryan also walked in the room and stood beside Zach. "The baby isn't a boy Zach. It's a girl. Mothers intuition." I tell him.

"We will find out as soon as you get your lazy asses up." Zach groans and goes to pull the blankets off of us. Blake catches them and holds them so they don't come off of me.

"Unless you want to see a naked Liv, I wouldn't pull them off." Blake states and Zach quickly removes his hand.

"Ewwww. Grossss." Drew groans.

"I'm not all the way naked. Shirts are scratchy and uncomfortable." I say.

"We don't need to know that." Drew groans again. "I'm out, hurry up"." He tells me before leaving the room.

"Yeah, we are out too." Ryan says and pulls Zach out. I sit up and let the blankets fall off of me. I'm wearing a matching Calvin Klein underwear and bra set. Blake also sits up and puts his hands on my bump. The baby starts kicking at his hand.

"That baby knows who it's daddy is." I laugh. Every time I'm around Blake the baby won't stop kicking.

"What do you want?" He asked me.

"I kind of want a boy because I always envisioned having an older boy and then a younger girl that he can protect but since I found out this will more than likely be my only pregnancy I think I want a baby girl." I say.

"I'd be happy with either. I could teach a boy how to play sports but with a girl I could keep all of the boys away from her."

"I think it's a girl. I have a feeling and I've read where mothers can guess what it is." I tell him and think about a little girl. "If it's a girl, she will have you wrapped around her finger."

"That she will. I wouldn't want it any other way." He said and kissed my bump. He got up and walked to the closet. He changed into black pants and a white shirt that said Daddy to be. Today was the day that everyone would find out I was pregnant. Blake and Drew's friends would all be there so the news will spread quickly and the whole school will know.

I walked to the closet and pulled out my dress that I bought for the gender reveal. It is a tight blue and pink tie died dress.

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