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MacDaddy This photo makes me laugh every time 😂 at 4 people send me this every day ❤️❤️

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MacDaddy This photo makes me laugh every time 😂 at 4 people send me this every day ❤️❤️

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep we are so cute as cartoon baby 💜💜

Gus pokes Mac with his foot as she works on her laptop,  she giggles he does it again. Using his foot he closes the lid of her MacBook, he waves his foot under her nose. She wrinkles up her face.

"Phewwww smelly foot baby. You gotta shower" she laughs pushing his foot out of her face. He giggles with her. "We gotta leave this house at some point baby" she pouts at him. Both have been absolute slobs the last few days, they've got Mats funeral then going straight to Long Island and not leaving for a few months. The paps have been swarming their house non stop. All they've done is open the door for deliveries, they are not ready to leave the house yet. "Are the paps still outside?" She asks Peep as he gets up to grab water. He peers out the window.

"Swear to god they double in numbers every time I look" he laughs. "What time we leaving tomorrow?"

"Urm like 10 baby" she rubs her forehead getting a headache from looking at her screen so much. "I got no idea what to say? I'm a bad sister? I cut him off for being a dick? I cut him out of family affairs because his a druggie? What kind of hypocrite am I? Baby I ignored his calls for months leading up to this" she rubs her head "if I just had answer one call. I could of changed everything. I am the reason he's dead" she gets up off the couch her long cardigan flowing behind as she walks into the kitchen. Gus comes walking up behind he wraps his arms around her waist kissing her neck.

"Baby there was nothing you could of done to stop this" he kisses her neck "he chose his path when did what he did" she spins around looking him in the eyes. "You saw the house. He was on a lot harder things that we ever knew. Baby there H bags everywhere. He sealed his fate with that first needle" he pulls her in close for a cuddle, kissing the top of her head. The two are mess both have lost people close to them. Mac has no immediate family left except from Peep. They are trying to support each other as much as possible.

"I know" she looks up at him with tear filled eyes. "I'm sorry baby. I'm a mess. You doing ok?"

"Yeah I'm am. I'm sad because he's gone but he lived a long happy full life baby. I'm more focused on you doing ok" he kisses her " I love you baby. You're my family"

"I love you too. You're my family hunny. I'm gonna have a bath. You can cook dinner" she stretches up on her tip toes to kiss him before heading upstairs for a bath. As the bath is running she rummages around Peeps drawers trying to find the bey-queen weed they only use when they are really sad. She can't find the bey-queen weed but she does find that pill bottle that Gus has been hiding from her. She sighs, should be disappointed but in the moment xanax might be better than the weed is. She takes a pill while stripping down for her bath. Playing some music she relaxes into a bubble bath. The warm water relaxes her muscles. The stress of the last few days wash away. She relaxes into the baths, her eyes start to shut. Just a small nap.

"BABY DINNERS READY" Gus shouts upstairs to wife. He gets no response, she is just having a small nap. "BABY" he comes upstairs, gently knocking on the bathroom door. "Mac dinners ready hunny. I made nuggies" he laughs at himself. He gets concerned when she doesn't respond to him "Baby?" He turns the door handle it is unlocked. He walks in, Mac has slipped down the tub. Peep rushes to her side pulling her up "Mac baby wake up.  Oh god" he tries everything can to wake up. He does mouth to mouth once when she gasp while waking up.

"Oh god what time is it?" She wakes not realising what has just happened. She looks up at him really confused "baby what's wrong?"

"You fell asleep in the tub and slipped under the water"

"Oh god baby. I'm sorry" she leans over and kisses him "suddenly got really tired. Did you make nuggets?" He pretends like he doesn't know what is going on right now. He nods with a massive grin on his face while handing her the towel, she climbs out of the tub stretching up and kisses him as she leaves the room. Gus goes back downstairs and plates up their dinner which genuinely looks like a meal for a 5 year old. Mac comes bounding down the stairs like an excitable child holding a zoot in her hand made out of the good weed. "Look what I made bey-queen zoot" the fact she's got a baby growing inside has slipped her mind during the chaos.

"Oooooo woman you treat me" he leans over the table kissing her placing two beers on the table "and I treat you" she looks down at her dinner.

"Hmmm yummy baby" she grins up at him tucking into her dinner.

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