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"Oh my god. You have got to be kidding me" Mac looks down at her hands. How is this happening again?! Just how, there's no possible way this happening again. Mac pulls her phone out and calls Jimmy "hey hun. You wanna go for lunch? I got some things I need to pick up in town"

"Yeah sure sweetie, can you pick us up in like 30 minutes?"

"I'll be there" she hangs up the phone looking down at her hands once again. Mac leaves the bathroom, she grabs her bag and Keeke. She quickly pops into the studio where Gus is writing some nee music "hey baby, I'm going to meet Mila and Jimmy for lunch. You want me to bring you something back?" He wraps his arms around her waist snuggling up to her side. She kisses his head, pushing the hair out the way.

"Oooo yeah babe, can I get a Reuben? Extra pickles" he snuggles up closer. She kisses him again.

"Of course my love. Can we have a movie night tonight? I also written some cool piano parts I thought we could put on the news album"

"Baby that sound amazing" he stands up and kisses her, he then kisses Keeke before she leaves with him. The events of earlier today play on repeat in her brain, no idea what she is going to do. Something needs to be done but what? She pulls up to Jimmy's house slightly worried that drove all the way here completely wrapped up in her own thoughts not paying attention at all to the road. Jimmy puts Milan's car seat in and hops in the front of the car. "Hey sweetie" she sets off for town, once again she is completely wrapped up in her own thoughts, Jimmy talking away in the front seat and Mac completely unaware of what is being said to her. She is too afraid of what is coming next.

"Mac?" Jimmy clicks her fingers in front of her face as she sits there spaced out in her parking space. "Hun?" She clicks her fingers again.

"Huh?" She comes back to reality "sorry totally lost in my own thoughts there" she grabs Keekes stroller from the boot of the car and loads him up. They head off to there favourite cafe right by the seafront. Keeke and Mila play with each other while in their highchairs as she gazes out into the ocean.

"Mac hunny what is going on in that pretty brain of yours?" Mac is completely spaced out doesn't even hear the question "I'm pregnant" that makes Mac snaps out of her gaze.

"Oh my god. What?! Are we happy hunny?" She looks at her best friend with a happy look.

"Yeah we are really happy" Mac takes Jimmy's hands  in her hands.

"Congratulations hunny I'm so happy fo-" their conversation is cut short by the interruption of their waitress.

"Hey I'm Emma I'll be your waitress toda— oh hey Mac" Gus's ex girlfriend stands over their table, not exactly who she wanted to see right now but this is the hand she's been dealt.

"Hey Emma" Mac tries to be as nice as possible after that poetry book as she plays with Keekes toy with him.

"Oh this must little Keeke. He's so handsome. Gus is really lucky to have you two" she tries to be friendly with her, knowing that Mac is not her biggest fan.

"Thank you. Urm can I get a Reuben with a side of fries please and a really big ice cold Diet Coke please"

"Yeah I'll get the same please but hold the cheese. Can we get two waters as well" they smile at Emma handing her the menus back. Mac pulls Keeke's cup from the stroller and a box of cut up banana. She gets up from the table to go the bathroom. On her way out she bumps into Emma.

"Oh sorry" she looks up from the floor to Mac. She looks uncomfortable with the situation "Your drinks are on the table Urm I brought some cheese cubes for Keeke and Mila. I'm hoping that's ok"

"Yeah thanks, that's sweet of you he loves cheese like his daddy" they laugh "I know that we've not had the best history but look we live here now, we are going to run into you a lot this is a small place. I would like us to get along for Gus's sake. I haven't forgiven you but I would like move on and forget about it"

"Yeah I would like that. I'm really sorry, I know what I did is wrong and it will never happen again. I'm really happy with Erik and we are actually moving into together"

"That's great Emma. Urm can I get another Reuben to go please" Emma nods and head to the till to place the next order. Mac heads back to the table and fills Jimmy in on what just happened to her. The pair enjoy lunch together, Jimmy raves about her pregnancy and how excited she is for Mila to have a sibling. Mac is so excited for her friend but her mind is completely else where, not even in the same room as the pair. All she can think about is the morning, looking over at how happy Keeke is and she doesn't want to mess this up. With her mind is elsewhere so when she snaps out of her deep though she halfway through playing Gus the new song she wrote. She looks up at him as he looks at her with love in his eyes, every time she looks at him, hears his voice, sees his smile, hears that laugh but most importantly hears him say 'I love you' she falls in love with him all over again, it's like they are 18 again discovering what love is.

"Wow baby that's beautiful. I love it and I love you" he smiles at her leaning down kissing her. She knows now is the moment to do it.

"I love you too sweetie. Urm I got Keeke a new shirt today it's on the counter can you tell me if you like it" she nods over to the bag sitting on their kitchen counter. She sits on her bottled water waiting for his reaction. He pulls the shirt out of the bag, reading it and reading it again and again. He looks up at her with tears in his eyes. Happy tears she hopes.

"Baby is this true?!" She nods at him about to cry herself "We are having another?" She nods again "baby we are having another peepkin" she starts crying with happiness, he runs over to her picking her up she wraps her legs around his waist. He holds her there by her booty kissing her crying happy tears as well. He looks at her in the eyes with love and so much happiness "we are having another baby"

"We are having another baby" she kisses him again.

MacDaddy only child eviction notice pending

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MacDaddy only child eviction notice pending. Sorry Keeke but we've got another addition coming to the family! I love you baby! 😘💖#pendingpeepkin2

Tagged lilpeep, Kathrynhollowoak, jimmytoast


LilPeep I'm so excited babygirl!💖 I love you so much! Thank you giving me the most amazing life together!

Jimmytoast girl! Are we pregnant at the same time again?! Bump twins. Congratulations my love

Kathrynhollowoak oh wow! I'm going to have another grandbaby! I'm so blessed. Congratulations kids 💖💖

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