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MacDaddy Peep with y'all vs Peep with me 💜

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MacDaddy Peep with y'all vs Peep with me 💜

I love you 👀👀

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep baby don't give out my secret!

LilPeep I love you too babygirl 👀

"MAAAAAAAAAAC" Gus shouts from his bed she pops her head the bedroom with a doughnut in her mouth. Wearing nothing but his t shirt, the more coke she did the skinny she gets. Her boobs start to look out of place on her body, as she gets skinnier her big boobs stay the same size. She grins at him from under the Doughnut. "BABYYYYYY" he shouts with excitement, a massive smile erupts across his face. She runs into the room jumping on the bed. Their awards spread across the room. He grabs her legs pulling her down on top of him. She giggles as she bites down on her doughnut. She puts the other half in Gus's mouth giggling to himself. He brushes the hair out of her face with his hand admiring the beauty that is his wife "God I love you"

She smiles down at him "I love you too" she leans down and kisses him gently, her lips brushes against cheek before finding their place on his neck, her hand wanders down his shirtless body and into his boxers. She gently pulls on him, feeling him getting harder by every touch. "I..... love..... you...... so.....fucking..... much" with every word she pulls again, watching the pleasure wash over her husbands body. Mac whispers the magic words that every man loves to hear "we are all alone baby" she bites her lip before sitting upright on him. Grinding up and down on him while taking off her T-shirt, her freshly tanned skin glistens in the morning sun. Effortless she sips him into her. They always said they were made for each other, down the last detail. Her boobs bounce up and down as she rides him, he is hypnotised by them watching them move with the rhythm of their bodies moving together. His hands guide her hips, she throws her head back moaning loud. He throws her on her back, climbing on top Mac wraps her legs around his waist as he proped himself up with a hand either side of her head. She smirks at him as he pounds harder and harder. He feels her cumming around him, this drives him on harder. He finally lets go and fills her up. As he does so she gasps a little then smirks at him. He leans down and kisses her passionately with every fibre in his being.

MacDaddy did anybody ever tell you how I feel about you? Yeah I admit I wanna fuck you 🥵🥵

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MacDaddy did anybody ever tell you how I feel about you? Yeah I admit I wanna fuck you 🥵🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep you tell me chance you get and I still want to hear it one more time 💜

"Good morning to me" he leans over and kisses her cheek, giggling. "Are you excited for tour babe?" He kisses once more before leaning over the other side to grab a prerolled zoot. He puts it in his mouth light it up as Mac puts his t shirt back on. He takes a long drag before hand it to her. He watches as the smokes pours out of her plump lips. She looks over at him with curiosity in her eyes and temptation on her lips, she smiles up at him with those big blue eyes. Mac has learnt how much coke to do to still get high but not get the glassy eyes to give it away.

"I am baby. Feels like ages since we've been on our tour. We've nearly finished the album, I'm excited to plan a full tour" she winks at him "this is a warm up tour" she winks at him. Rolling over on her front, leaning on Gus's chest taking another drag, the smoke pours out of her mouth across his chest making him giggle. "Baby I spoke to Chloe earlier" she looks up at him, he nods taking a drag "she is moving to LA" he looks at her shocked. "Apparently her jewellery sells the most over here so she is setting up over here. Ryan and Bex are also moving" she looks down at the zoot rolling it between her fingers.

"Are you saying what I think your saying?" He looks at her getting all excited for what he thinks is about to come next. She shrugs her shoulders.

"What do you think about it baby? You sure it would be a good move for us?"

"Baby LA is a big place and we are not in the same place we was 3 years ago. We gonna do this?" She bites her lips looking at him, that temptation is back on her face. He stands on the bed jumping up and down singing "we're moving to LA" she rolls around the bed giggle to herself. Before she pulls him down, he lays on top her brushing the hair out of hair and kissing her. He then whispers in her ear "we are moving back baby"  she giggles kissing him again they are in a better place.

Sorry for slow updates guys! Uni started this week, decided at 23 it was time to get a degree! Want to make sure that they updated are the best so they may not be every night sorry!!

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