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It's 4 hours past midnight, Gus is asleep and Mac is crying on the balcony. She stares out at the city they love so much but toxicity of the city is starting to seep its way back into their lives. They've only been here for less a month and they are basically back to how they were 3 years ago before the move to London. She stares down at her hands stained with blood and tears. She starts to doubt their decision to move here, she thought being back with Shay would help them stay away drugs as her and J are supposed to be responsible parents but their other friends have changed one bit and drugs get offered around like it's candy.  To Mac and Gus it is their candy, she stops her tears before she wakes up Gus. Mac cleans her self up in the bathroom switching out her tee, hiding it under a pile of laundry in the bathroom to hide the evidence. Before she gets back into bed she takes a couple pills from Gus's secret stash, then another two throwing them back with whisky. She climbs into bed, turning over on her side Gus instinctively cuddles up throwing his arm over, pulling her in tight. In this moment she doesn't care where they live as long as she is with Gus, they could live in the North Pole and if they were together there it would be home. The xanax soon kick in and her eyes quickly close, there is a small part of her that hope they won't reopen.

"BABY I MADE PANCAKES" Gus shouts from the kitchen to his sleeping wife. The house is full of the smell of winter and pancakes. Gus goes running up the stares to check on his wife hoping she is getting up as he never cooks "BABY" he calls for her as she runs up the stares. He walks into the bed seeing her sleeping back towards him, he climbs over her laying next to her waving a fresh pancake under her nose knowing this will wake up "boo I made breakfast for us" he waves the pancake under her nose, slowly her mouth opens and takes a bite of the pancake. She starts to chew it without even opening her eyes.

"Did you actually make these or did you go to McDonald's again?" She quietly laughs opening her eyes to him "they are actually good baby" she takes another bite of the pancake.

"I'm offended" he jokes with her, holding the pancake up high when she goes for it again, Mac pouts her lips he kisses before giving her the rest of the pancake "I actually made them baby. Shay text me her recipe and this is like attempt number 4" they pair laugh as they walk downstairs for the steaming hot breakfast. 

"I though we moved to LA for the heat where the fuck is it?" She jokes with Gus drinking her juice pointing to the garden window to the cold outside.

"I know baby. But it's better than rain" Gus points out, Mac just nods her head eating these delicious pancakes. "You excited for tonight baby? What time does Mama and family get in?"

"I am boo. It'll be good to finally see our hardwork on the big screen. Are you baby?" She takes another sip of her juice "Urm I think their flight gets in at 1. Did you get her gift?"

"Yeah I did boo, it's in the guest bedroom on her bed and and then balloon it's next to it. Can we take it with us to the airport?" Mac nods her head as she eats "what time are we picking the car up?"

"Urm 11 babe which gives enough time to go the airport. I am gonna get a shower before we go babe" she gets up off the table kissing him as she gets up off the table and runs up stairs. Gus is hypnotised by her ass jingling up the stairs as she runs.


"I LOVE YOU TOO HANDSOME" Mac shouts. As the shower runs she stares at herself in the mirror. Completely ashamed of her thoughts from the night before. To think she ever want to leave Gus on his own, she would much rather herself than ever leave Gus on his own in this world. She knows he wouldn't last long, he's told her before this very thing.  She gets ready for the day and they head out to dealer to get them their new car, while living in London they did own a car not needed but here in LA they need on.

Crybaby // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now