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The months fly by, Gus throws himself into his music after losing Dylan it was a real wake up call for the both them. Their lives could change in the blink of an eye, they could lose each other by doing the simplest of things. They work twice as hard on New music, on being the best parents to Keeke and pending Peepkin, on being the best they can be for each other and for their family. For a long time Mac and Jimmy were both scared that they were going to lose their husbands back to drugs, that they were going to fall back down the rabbit hole but no they didn't. They did the opposite stop drinking as much, Mac hasn't smoked once during this pregnancy. It's been a real turning point for them. Her nose bleeds become more and more frequent but the doctors said this is a common thing during pregnancy. Taking things at face value she accepts this but at the back of her mind she didn't think this was the case. Even though she had these thoughts in the back of her head she tried not to think too much because she really wants to be around for her babies (babies include Gus). Baby number 2 is growing bigger than Keeke did, she really thinks this one might come on time not earlier like Keeke did. Mac is in her own little world shopping for baby clothes while Gus and Keeke go visit grandma and Gigi for a little bit when she feels a tap on her shoulder. Spinning around expecting to see cold or Jimmy maybe even Oskar visiting but nope, it was none of those people.

"Oh hey... Emma" Mac is not shocked to see her but shocked she's making contact with her, effort with her. She stands there happy and smiley with her boyfriend while Mac rubs her belly.

"Hey Mac, how you doing?" Emma looks her up and down noticing her big pregnant belly "oh my god congratulations, when are you due?"

"I'm well thanks. How are you two?" She smiles at her "I'm due couple days before thanksgivings actually"

"Oh wow, I bet Gus is really excited. Yeah we are good. We actually just got engaged" Emma happily shows off her new ring.

"Emma that is beautiful" she congratulates them, she is actually happy for them, maybe this will keep her off their backs. "Would love to stop and chat but I've gotta get back to Gigi's for dinner"

"Gigi?" Emma asks confused.

"Oh Grandmas. But now Liza is grandma, she is now Gigi. It's a Mexican thing" she smiles at the pair before walking away to the checkout. She is still comprehend the civil conversation she just had. Never in a million years did she think the sight of Emma wouldn't boil her blood to the point of rage. She likes living in long beach it chills her out, LA is just toxic they will never live there again. Twice now they've proved that is just a toxic environment, no matter how hard you try it pulls you back in and brings you back to those ways you tried so hard to escape. Pulling up to Liza's she smiles as she sees Gus playing with Keeke in the living room through the window. Letting herself in Keeke comes running at his little speed.

"MAMAAAA" he calls for her, a huge smile breaks out across her face hearing his little voice. She crouches down holding out her arms as he comes running over to her. Gus stands behind him smiling. She picks him up, pulling him in for a cuddle kissing him all his cute squishy face.

"Hey baby" she kisses him more.

"We have been practicing that all day. Haven't we little man?" Gus comes up in front of them kissing Keeke head as Keeke nods agreeing to the question. He kisses his wife "hey baby you ok? Get clothes for the baby peepkin?"

"I'm good boo. You ok?" Put Keeke down watching him go running off to his toys in the front room. Taz plodding along behind him "yeah I did, had an interesting conversation with Emma" Gus raises his eyebrows as the move into the kitchen. She points to her engagement ring and mouths engaged. Gus mouths oh wow back and Mac just nods as she greets Liza and Gigi. When her phone buzzes in her pocket

Jimbo👯‍♀️ is calling
Accept | Decline

"Hey Jimmy you ok?" She steps into the hall way as Liza plates up dinner.

"Hey hunny. My waters have broke"

"Oh god Jim baby is like a month early?!"

"I know we are hoping everything is ok but my parents are out of town. Would you able to take Mila while I'm in hospital?"

"Of course sweetie. We are Liza's right now if you wanna drop her off" Mac smiles hoping her friend is going be ok.

"Thanks hunny. We will drop her off in like 30 minutes" she hangs the phone up just as Gus comes out to till her dinner is ready. "Hey baby Jim has gone into labour. We are looking after Mila since her parents are out of town" she stretches up and kissing him.

"Ok sweetie. They dropping her here?" She nods "I'll get mama to save a plate for her" he kisses again before picking Keeke up who has been playing with hem of his jeans. He puts him down in his high chair and hands him a plate of spaghetti. They all laugh watching Keeke get more sauce over his face than actually in his mouth. Mac helps feed her son who can feed himself just sometimes struggles with spaghetti. She feeds herself in between Keeke feeding "look at them" Gus points to his wife and son "they have the same food happy face" the all laugh round the table as she looks at Keeke. There is a knock at the door, Mac kisses the top of Keekes head before getting up and answering the door.

"Hey jim. You feeling ok?" She takes Mila from her arms. "Hey baby. We are gonna have a sleepover" she kisses her cheek making Mila giggle.

"Yeah just anxious hoping everything is ok with peanut. Urm there's is like 20 different clothes. Sorry I panicked packed. All her stuff is in here. If I forgot anything I'm sorry. She has a blankie she sleeps with every night and here is her car seat"

"Babe it's ok. We've got Keeke remember if you've forgotten anything we've got it. Go have this baby and it's all going to be my love" she blows kisses. "Say bye Mama" her and Mila wave goodbye to Jim as they drive away. Walking back into the dinning room she hears Keekes laugh which brings Mila to life "Keeke, Mila is going to have a sleepover with us" she sits back down at the table, placing Mila on her lap. Gus passes over a plate of food for her and Mila gets stuck into dinner. She is bit more careful than Keeke is. They spend the evening chilling with their family watching the kids play together already best friends like they had a choice. Mac looks over at the kids starting to yawn, getting tired. She looks over at husband who himself is yawning, poking him with her toes. "Come on baby we gotta get the peanuts home. We got two to put to bed" she winks at him

"Practice time" Liza's jokes with the pair. Gus heads out to try and fit the new strange car seat into the car. By the time they get back to the house the pair are nearly asleep in the car seats but in true parent fashion they are forced awake for bath time. No sleeping before they've bathed. As Mila is the most comfortable with Mac she settles her into the crib, placing her blankie just by her head. She tries to fight the tiredness by after a couple minutes she let her eyes close and she is fast asleep. Her little fingers reaches up for her blankie before she knows it Mila is snuggled up and fast asleep. Mac carefully switches off the light, gently closing the door while backing out of the room. Gus is waiting on the other side for her.

"That was easy enough" Gus jokes with her pulling her in for a kiss.

"That's because these two have routines. This little peanut does not" she jokes back with him. "Im gonna go say goodnight to my little Keeke" she kisses  him before slipping off to Keekes room. "Night night peanut. Mama loves you" she kissing two fingers resting then on his forehead "sweet dreams baby" she slowly backs out of the room not wanting to wake him up, gently closing the door. Mac walks into their bedroom just to get change expecting Gus to be downstairs but he is watching a film in bed almost asleep himself. So instead of changing into comfies. Mac changes into Gus's tee and slips into bed. Cuddling up as close as she can with this giant bump in the way. "Baby I love you" Mac kiss his neck as she falls asleep in his arms.

He leans down and kiss her head "I love you too baby" the pair don't make it through the opening credits before they are both fast asleep in each other's arms.

Crybaby // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now