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MacDaddy Keeke was not happy that daddy left

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MacDaddy Keeke was not happy that daddy left. We miss you already baby 🥺

Have a great tour though! I love you Gustav 💖💖

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep stop! 😭😭 I wish I was back with you two in bed 💖💖 I love you 💜💜

Mac sits in her car bailing her eyes out at a stop sign 3 minutes from Liza's . This is a combination of post baby hormones and the fact this is Peeps first tour without Mac since they were 18. She doesn't like thinking that he can cope without her on tour, she likes being the one people rely on. She turns into Liza's driveway looking up in her Center console mirror she can see Keeke sleeping soundly. Oh to be that little and not know the pain of having your love one be on tour. Mac finds herself standing at Liza's doorway, car seat in one hand tears streaming down her face. Gigi opens the door expecting to see her granddaughter in law and new great grandbaby but instead she sees Mac in bits.

"Oh hunny come in come in" she takes the car seat from her as she enters the house "Mac hunny what's wrong?" Gigi asks as she takes Keeke out of his car seat, Liza enters the room concerned for her. Mac slumps on the sofa crying her eyes out as Taz jumps on her lap. She looks at Liza tears and makeup streaming down her face.

"I miss Gus" she cries even more "this is the first tour apart from each other since we were 18" she cries hysterically into her hands. Liza sits down next to her rubbing her back.

"Aww baby. He is missing you too, both of you and it's only 6 weeks trust me. With a newborn that'll fly by" she rubs her back as Mac cries.

"I'm a fucking mess. Post baby hormones suck" she cries and laughs at the same time. When Gus texts her.

Baby Daddy 🥵🎃👨‍👩‍👦💍💖

Baby I miss you so much 😭😭 please don't stop sending me pictures of you and pictures of Keeke and pictures of you and Keeke

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Baby I miss you so much 😭😭 please don't stop sending me pictures of you and pictures of Keeke and pictures of you and Keeke. I love you please don't cry, I'll be back soon 💜 I love you 💜💜

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