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Baby Daddy 🥵🎃👨‍👩‍👦💍💖 is calling
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"Hey baby you ok?" Mac answers the phone as she rest Keeke on her thighs, head propped up by her knees as she feeds him a bottle. "We miss you" he can hear her smiling through her words but there is a little sadness as well just missing her husband.

"Hey boo, I miss you guys too. Only 3 weeks to go babygirl. Mama said you've been amazing with Keeke" Mac can Gus smiling as well, she can also hear the guys in the background "how's Jamie been?"

"Yeah she's been doing really well, they've been staying here with us. We've decided that Keeke and Mila will at least be best friends, potentially gonna her married" they both laugh "how's tour baby? You being good?"

"Yeah it good, won't lie it's not as good as tour with you. What you guys doing today?"

"Urm Keeke and Mila are going to Grandmas and Mommy is going to yoga with Jamie" she says in a baby voice as she tickles his belly. "Then she is going to do some laundry and cleaning then the grocery shopping and then we are having a Harry Potter night" she blows air on Keeke's belly making him giggle down the phone to his daddy.

"I love when you talk to Keeke but it is weird when I hear you talk in the third party" Gus laughs

"Sorry all I've done is hangout with Mila and Keeke" she laughs "what are you doing baby? What city you in today?"

"We are in Philly baby, actually got a day off tomorrow then New Jersey then in town baby"

"Yay you'll be able to sleep in our bed again. Have you got a day off in nyc or not?" She gets excited to see her husband.

"Yeah we do boo! So I get 2 whole nights in our bed"

"Offt baby you spoil me" she says in a seductive voice trying to turn him over the phone.

"You know it babygirl" she misses him so much "I've gotta go boo we are heading out for lunch. I love you baby so much"

"I love you too hunny. We miss you. Have a good day" she blows kisses down the phone to him.

Baby Mama 🥵🐣👨‍👩‍👦💍💖

Look at that little face 😍😍 mama showed me pictures of you as baby and Keeke is your twin 💖💖 we love and we miss you!

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Look at that little face 😍😍 mama showed me pictures of you as baby and Keeke is your twin 💖💖 we love and we miss you!

Mac stares at the tv as Keeke wriggles in her lap, tapping her phone against her knee thinking about the conversation she just had with Gus. Philly is only 2 or so hours away, they could drive up today spend couple days with them. Before she can even control her actions she calling for Jimmy who was making a bottle for Mila.

"JIMMY" she shouts from the couch, she comes walking out of the kitchen holding Mila against her side bottle in her hand. Mac looks up from the sofa at her friend "the boys are in philly today and they have the day off tomorrow. You wanna skip yoga and take a drive? Surprise them?"

"Ooooo yeah!" Jimmy's face lights up when she mentions the guys. The girls pack a small bag for the next couple days and head off on the road. The drive is long but was even longer with the babies fussing every 30 minutes or so but finally they pull up to the venue where the guys are performing tonight. They see the bus outside and the crew unloaded. Mac parks behind the bus, they pull the babies out of their slumber. Just in time to see the boys walking off the bus.

"BABY" they both shout in unison to their husbands, they turn around thinking it was going to be crazy fans but it's their beautiful wives. They both coming running over pulling them in close for cuddles making sure not to squeeze the babies. Gus pulls away from Mac to kiss she can see tears in his eyes, happy tears she hopes. He pulls her in for a kiss, he kisses Keekes head taking him for a cuddle. Mac wipes away her husband tears before her own.

" hey baby" she kisses him through her smile, they both can't stop smiling. "I missed you so much, decided to surprise you" she kisses him again and then kisses Keeke.

LilPeep guess who came to visit me on tour!

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LilPeep guess who came to visit me on tour!

PSA before anyone questions it. Keeke is asleep in his stroller.

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy surprise baby! I love you 💖💖

LilPeep I love you too baby! I'm so happy you're here 🥺🥺💖💖

LilPeep I love you too baby! I'm so happy you're here 🥺🥺💖💖

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MacDaddy look at my date for the night! 🥵 hot damn 🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep so happy to have date night again 😍💖

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