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Y'all waited a week. Feel like you deserve a another chapter!

Mac slams Emma's book down on the table in front of Gus as he watches TikTok on his phone. He looks at the book really confused on what's happening right now.

"Care to explain yourself?" Her voice laced with attitude, he looks at the book one more time still no idea what his wife is going on about. "No? Let me remind you. You were texting her when we got together?!" She opened the book up to a poem Emma has written about the confusing signals Gus gave her.

"Babe let me explain" he face becomes flushed. Realising what his childhood friend has written about.

"Oh I love to see you talk your way out of this one" she stands there with arms folded, system full of Coke and she ready for an argument.

"It was nothing, I promise you she took in a way I did not mean it" he pleads with her to believe him.

"That's it? That's all you've got? You were fucking texting her when we got together. You were texting her telling her you love her. Telling her you miss Long Island. Tell me Gus how did she take that in a wrong way?" She throws facts at him he stands flustered not knowing what to say to her "I'm waiting Gus?" He knows what is running round her system right now but cannot blame this on drugs.

"I just just ...... I was confused ok.  I never thought I would love anyone else but Emma so I was confused, but I stopped as soon as I knew that what I was feeling for you was actually love, that didn't take long. Maybe like a week or two" he tries to get her to believe him.

"Ok let say for a minute I believe that. How about when you started texting her again?" He looks at her really confused "how about when I was being beaten daily to an inch of my life you were texting her asking to come out to LA.  How about then? When I was using every fibre in my being to get back to you, YOU WERE FUCKING TEXTING EMMA" we voice laced with venom, right now all she can think that for their whole relationship he has had her as well. He stands there in shock not knowing how to account for his actions. That time he did fuck it. "I could deal with the fact you were sleeping Layla. She was a random, she meant nothing. But you were also asking Emma to come out. There is a fucking photo of her sitting on your bed with the boys" her eyes fills with tears when she thinks about who else was in her bed.

"Baby" he reaches for her but she steps back pushing the hair out of her face. His eyes fills with tears only assuming what is going through that beautiful brain of hers.

"That was my bed *she cries through the words* that was our bed" she sniffles through the tears thinking who else has been in that bed.

"Baby I swear nothing ever happened" she sees the pain in his eyes. "I swear I didn't touch her. She stayed in kitchen. We didn't I promise" he cries through the words begging with his wife trying to convince her.  "I'm sorry I shouldn't of texted her, I was talking to her purely friendly. She took it differently" Mac bites her lip not trying to lash out.

"Give me your phone" she stretches her hand out, Gus digs into his pocket handing his wife his phone. "Did you delete the text?" He shakes his head "ok I'm gonna read the convos from 2014" she takes his phone, running up the stairs grabbing a blanket on the way out wrapping herself in it as she sits on the balcony. She lights up a smoke as she scrolls through the texts until she reaches 2014. Takes her hours to go through all the texts. She goes through the Facebook chat, the WhatsApp to make sure there's nothing she has missed in the conversation. She decides to call Emma. It's rings twice before she answer like she was waiting for this call "I think we need to talk" she taps the lighter up and down as Emma talks to her telling her side of the story. She eventually  lights up a smoke before asking the question that has been on the tip of her tongue for an hour. "Did you sleep with him when you came to LA?" There's a long pause, Mac's heart is racing from the anticipation, her eyes ready to burst from tears.

"No. *A huge sigh of relief escapes her lips* I tried to but he pushed me away kept talking about this amazing girl he was waiting for. she was coming back. She was going to be at any point. I now know that was you. I was so embarrassed for years that's why I've never spoken to you. And I feel so fucking guilty. The book isn't all about it just those few poems. I'm really sorry Mac"

"If you were really sorry then you would told me when you knew about me or before you decided to put these poems in the book"

"I know I handled it wrong so did Gus"

"Please don't say his name. I can't think about him right now" she hangs up the phone. She is deep in thought smoking a zoot when her thought train is broken by a tap on the glass. She looks behind her shoulder Gus is standing there with tears in his eyes. She stand up sliding the glass handing him his phone, without a word she keeps eye contact with him. Her eyes stained with run makeup and tears, she slides the door shut and goes back to her seat. Gus turns away and goes to bed. Mac spends the night sitting on the balcony watching the skyline of LA , smoking and going through photos of her and Gus laughing at the really old ones. They look like babies, just kids, kids with no idea what was about to happen to them. Why is when things are going so well does life comes crashing down around them. She looks over shoulder seeing Gus crying himself to sleep in bed, hearing his whimpers. Why is it always him hurting her? She knows this in the past but it makes her doubt everything they've built. She goes back to her phone looking at their wedding phones. They made a vow to each other. That has to count for something? Right?

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