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Macdaddy oh my god

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Macdaddy oh my god. My beautiful boy 😍🥺 how are you 6 months old?! Stop growing 🥺 stay mamas little boy forever please 💖💖

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep he needs to stop growing 😭😭

"GUSSSS" Mac shouts from Keekes room he can hear fear in her voice "BABY" she screams at the top of her lungs. He finds himself running through house into his sons room. Mac is standing over Keeke crib, Gus joins her at her side looking into the crib he sees Keeke kicking his legs happily in the air giggling away.

"Baby what's wrong? What's happened?" He is still in a panic state "Mac?!"

"Keeke has a cough" she looks up at her husband tears in her eyes, he sighs thinking it was something super serious "like a really bad cough and I think he has a cold" she looks like she is about to cry "baby I'm taking him to the emergency room" she picks up Keeke, placing a hat and jacket on him. Gus sighs behind her, he is not going to argue with his wife even though it most definitely is a cold, they are in October. It's a cold. He grabs his coat and Mac's bag as they head out to the car. She drives definitely breaking the speed limit to get to the emergency room as quickly as possible. She pulls Keeke from the car seat practically running into the hospital. They sit in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to see them, Keeke plays in Gus's arm as Mac cuddles up to him "Am I crazy mama?" She asks him with tears still in her eyes as she starts to realise that this probably is just a cold.

"Yes you are baby. But I love you so it's all good" he kisses her forehead then Keeke coughs again but worse than before. Mac shoots up with fear in her eyes as takes Keeke from Gus's arms. He coughs again with a little sneeze.

"Baby" she looks at Gus with tears in her eyes as the doctor calls for them. She carries her tiny tired baby into the exam room.

"What seems to the problem here today?" The doctor Goes to listens to Keekes heart but he has other ideas to play with the stethoscope and giggles away.

"Urm hes had like this cough for a couple days and a runny nose and not been sleeping properly. We are really worried. He's 6 months old" Gus clutches her hand she speaks, he knows it's just a cold but Mac is so concerned about Keeke. Makes him feel like a proper family.

"Ok, we will run a couple tests see what's going on ok? Ok come her little guy" Mac holds her son patiently as the doctor runs a check up on and a coupes tests. Feels like they are sitting there for hours waiting for the results. Gus rubs her back, reassuring her it's gonna be ok but longer that the results take the more worried he starts to become. Finally the doctor comes back in the room, the pair look hopeful at the doctor "ok as originally predicted, little Keeke has a cold, just keep him warm and plenty of fluids. In a couple more days he will be back to his normal self again. Try putting a couple drops of lavender oil in his bath, this will soothe him before bed" the doctor hands Gus some paperwork and they get going. Keeke by this point is fast asleep in her arms, she gently places him in the car seat before climbing into the drivers seat. She looks at the time 3 am. This whole exercise was for nothing a stupid cold. She pouts as exhaustion kicks, she looks over at husband sitting patiently in the passengers seat.

"I'm sorry baby. It was a stupid cold. I should of just listened to you baby. I got panicked, he's never been that sick" she looks over at him, he leans over and kisses her.

"Baby it's ok. You care about your son, I love you so much and I'll happily sit in the emergency room with all day" they both giggle.

"You know what time it is?" Gus shakes his head "it's 3 am baby November 1st" Gus grins "Happy birthday baby. I love you" she leans over and kisses him one more time before sitting off for home.

MacDaddy happy birthday baby! I love you so much, you're the most amazing dad to Keeke

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MacDaddy happy birthday baby! I love you so much, you're the most amazing dad to Keeke. I couldn't ask for a better husband and father. You are truly are my soulmate! Sorry I dragged you to the emergency room until 3 am but I am a crazy mom now! I can't wait to grow our little army together. You're my best friend, my king, my soulmate, my husband and the love of my life 💖💖 keep smiling baby it's beautiful. I can't wait to have you to myself later 🥵🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I love you so much baby! Thank you for giving me the best birthday ever 💖💖

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