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"MAC" Gus screams across the venue, she is in her element helping Chase run the show. Gus has been filling Mac in the few errors that the new tour manager Casey had been making and Mac being Mac she couldn't help herself but take over for a couple days. Their two day trip has turned into follow them until NYC. Mac just couldn't help herself, she misses touring so much. "MACKENZIE" he shouts louder for her as he plays with Keeke who is getting bigger and bigger.

"YES MY LOVE" she shouts back with a smile of her face as she walks towards her family.

"I love youuuuuu" he says in a baby voice as he rocks back and forth with Keeke, using his hand to help Keeke wave at his Mama "I love you mama" he speaks pretending to be Keeke. Her heart fills with love looking at her family.

"I love you to babies" she kisses Keeke and then kisses her husband "have you finished with soundcheck?" He nods with a grin on his face kissing her again "you want to go get early dinner before the show?"

"Yes I do gorgeous" he kisses again, Mac takes Keeke from him dancing round the venue as the music plays in the background. Gus watches as his wife dances round an empty venue with their son, it fills his heart full of love. "You ready to go baby?" He kisses her head.

"Yeah hun, can you grab his stroller" she nods over to the corner where Keekes stroller sits.

MacDaddy thank you everyone that came out tonight! Y'all make our night every time! Was lovely meeting some of you waiting outside! Next stop NYC

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MacDaddy thank you everyone that came out tonight! Y'all make our night every time! Was lovely meeting some of you waiting outside! Next stop NYC.

You know what that means? 👀 MEANS I GET PEEP BACK IN MY BED!

Keeke and I will be hanging out in the merch tent out front tomorrow come and see hey!

Tagged lilpeep


"Mac you ok hun?" Jimmy knocks on the bathroom door. Mac stares down at the bathroom sink, covered in blood. Her nose dripping she hasn't even touched the white stuff in nearly a year now. Her and Gus have only just started smoking weed with Keeke being nearly 3 months old. How is it still bleeding after all this time. She cleans the bathroom up and her face, walking out she smiles at Jimmy.

"Yeah I'm fine dude just a super long pee" she smiles at her. She is so happy to be back in their house, she was gonna go on with Gus for the Canadian leg of the tour but they decided it was best for Keeke to stay at home and they don't want to rely on his Mom to look after for long period of time. They are adults and they need to look after their family.  "Are you coming to the tent signing today? I was gonna bring Keeke but he's got a little cough and I don't want him outside. Gigi is gonna have him today"

"Yeah we are hun. The boys are in the car, I was just coming to get you" she smiles at Mac as they leave the house. They drive into the city for the signing today, Mac is excited to meet fans, the last 2 months she's been stuck inside being a Mama which she loves but it's nice to be outside doing some work. Gus and her actually have an interview lined up this afternoon which has gotten her all excited. Mac doesn't want to be that woman has a baby and suddenly forgets she has a career. You can do both right? She can do what she loves with the person she loves while looking after her baby. Right? You can do both? Mac believes she can do both, just got to find the balance. She is deep in thought when a young girl comes up to her at meet nd greet tent. She hands Mac a gift bag. "Hey sweetie. I love your shirt. Did you make it?" Mac smiles at the young girl, she can't be more than 15/16 wearing a tee with funny photos of cold and peep. The young girl nods, she is starstruck. A photo passes down the the table, Peep and Cold have already signed it "what's your name hunny?" Mac smiles at her trying to engage.

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