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"BABYY" Mac runs through the corridors of the venue trying to find her husband. He is on stage in 5 minutes and he is no where to find. They both should of known they can never just touch white as a recreational function, they always takes it way too far. Now she is afraid they are about to have a San Anna situation all over again. She runs into the green room, it's filled with their friends she sees him sitting there, looking down at the ground completely unaware of what is going on around him. His hair fallen around his face, they aren't even in LA yet maybe this move isn't so good. Maybe they should be living in the suburbs with his Mom, that would either drive them crazy or sort their problems out. "EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT" she screams at the top of her lungs, they quickly disperse from the room and into the stage area. Mac goes running over to Gus, getting on her knees in front of him clicking her fingers trying to get his attention. As if someone had just press play on that night from 4 years ago he mutters the words she hasn't heard in so long. The words sends shivers down her spine, she cannot believe what she is hearing.

"I don't think I can do this" Gus looks up at her like he has no idea who the fuck he is speaking to or where the fuck he is. Mac gets up off her knees about to dial the fire department to get this show shut down, something she should of done all those years ago but before she can speak Gus takes the phone out of her hand, hangs up, gives it back to her and walks out of the room then toward the stage. She turns to follow him, she watches as he picks up his mic and walks out to play for 25k kids. She is on hand with water to run on when he can't speak. They all watch from the side of the stage, he stands still mic to his mouth, head down facing the floor. Mac waits a moment giving him time to find his feet but he doesn't. She runs on stage with the water, he turns to face the back of the ground as Nose Ring plays, she forces water down his throat. Clicking her fingers trying to get his focus.

"Baby come on you gotta do this show" something happens, the light behind his eyes gets switch on. He kisses like 4 years ago and goes on to perform. Mac quickly gets off stage. She pulls coldhart and Dylan to one side along with Bex and Ryan. "All right dickwads. What the fuck happened?!" She yells at them but in a hush tome so no one around knows she is furious with them. "WHO THE FUCK GAVE HIM PERCOCETS?" She knows full well that is what he has taken.  Bex and Ryan point to Dylan "I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt to the fact we haven't seen you in 18 months so you don't know what we've dealt with. But swear to god you give him another perc again, the next body we burry will be yours" she motions her finger across her neck, slapping him round the back of the head before She turns back to the stage to watch her husband perform to his biggest crowd yet.

Lil Peep Part 2 is about to drop and they so excited. He plays a couple songs from the new album to tease the crowd and they seem to love it.  She is so proud of the hard work he has put into this new album, some of his best yet work. They've put so much work into this album has a couple. Bex hands her a bag, she does a couple bumps before Gus drags her out on stage to perform The Shallows. After the show is over Gus goes back to the green room to chill out before they get back on the bus. When Mac is finished doing the tour manager shit she heads back to see him, they are all sat there talking not even noticing that has said a word in 20 minutes and hasn't actually moved at all. She goes and sits next to him, wrapping her arms around him, kissing his cheek.

"You ok baby? You did amazing out there" she kisses his cheek again. His hand reaches her thigh, gripping it tight. This scares her, he only does this when he feels really fucked and in trouble. "Gus?" She whispers in his ear. He turns to look at her dead in the eyes the light has gone.

"I told you I could do it" the life drains out of her hearing those words again. She doesn't know what to do, she wants to stop him but she also wants to be on the same level. They spoke about why they do drugs all those years ago and she was kinda joking when she said that maybe drugs would kill her. In a way they have destroyed their lives in a way that they didn't even notice. Slowly rotted away their dependency or lack off. They used to be able not do anything for weeks even months but the last month? They've gone 2 hours without something.

They need a major change, even when she was pregnant she couldn't stop doing what she needed to get by in life. Just for a normal day they need to take something just to get by. He gets up from the couch, he grabs the bag of coke from when Bex is sitting, everyone looks at Mac to stop him, looking back at them she is conflicted on what to do. If she follows him into that bathroom then they are right back to where they were 4 years ago. Nothing would have changed, if she stops him then she is lying to herself, denying herself what she wants right now in this moment. Gus stands at the door of the bathroom, holding his hand out for her. She goes skipping across the room with that evil smile on her face. As they get into the bathroom. Gus pins her against the wall kissing her, she wraps one leg around his waist pulling him closer to her, as close as he can get to her.  She giggles in his ear. He racks them up 5 lines each. Without any problems at all they both make those lines disappear.

He pins her against the wall again, she wraps both legs around his waist, she unbuckles his jeans, he manages to wiggle hers down. He pulls her panties to the side getting in quick before he gets pilly willy and unable to do for a night. They go quick and hard before they both go into a deep rabbit hole. She moans into his ear

"Yes baby" she bites his ear going harder, moaning load not caring who hears. "I love you Gustav"

"I love you Mackenzie" he breaths heavy on neck as they settle their hearts after that little workout. She jumps down from his grip she racks up more lines for them. There is only little bit of powder left after this so she just pours it all out. They both sniff it all up. Mac feels something dripping down her face, moving over to mirror she can see blood dripping down her face line she has been punched all over again. The door slams open, she looks up with a look of evil in her eyes. Mac sees Dylan standing in the doorway. Gus moves in the way shaking his head at Dylan shutting the door In his face.

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