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MacDaddy Jesus Christ I love you 💖 can't believe I'm having another mini us 🥺🥺 I'm so excited!

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MacDaddy Jesus Christ I love you 💖 can't believe I'm having another mini us 🥺🥺 I'm so excited!

What do you think I'm having?! 👀👀

Tagged lilpeep


LilPeep have you looked in a mirror lately😍 I love you so much

"I swear this peanut is growing quicker than Keeke did" Mac views her bump in the mirror as Gus plays Keek on their bed. "Gus?" She throws a pillow at him trying to avoid Keeke, startled by the pillow he looks over to as she laughs doing her jeans back up.

"Peepkin is growing big baby" he walks over to her cupping her bump kissing her neck as they look at themselves in the mirror. "You think this one will be on time unlike this one?" He holds Keekes hands up making him dance.

"I got no idea. Mama said the second one is easier, body is all ready" she jokes with Gus, crouching down on her knees kissing Keekes cheeks making him giggle "he sounds just like you baby. I love his laugh as much as I love yours" Mac's phone starts buzzing on the bedside table, she stretches over the bed to grab it. "Hello?" She clearly didn't recognise the number on the other end "Urm yes I am Mackenzie Åhr" her voice breaks, she bites her lip to steady herself, her leg starts shaking. Gus takes Keeke in his arms suddenly taking note of the conversation worried what is about to come next. Mac's head nods as the voice on the other end speaks    "We will be on the next flight out" she hangs up the phone clutching it to her chest she stares at Gus as tears forms in her eyes. "OHHH MY GODDDDDD" she screams tears streaming down her face, the phone falls to the ground her hand doesn't stop shaking. Gus puts Keeke in his playpen then attends to his wife wiping her tears away.

"Baby what's happened" she looks at him dead in the eyes scared on how she is gonna tell him this.

"Dylan........." she takes a deep breathe "Dylan is gone baby. Im so sorry" she can't stop the tears they just keep coming, Gus freezes in front of her. He doesn't know what to do with himself. Before she can even react there is a loud bang at the front door. She is about to ignore it but then it's continual. She grabs Keeke and runs down stairs letting Gus gather his emotions. Running down the stairs she sees cold and Jimmy at the front. She opens it dramatically cold has tears streaming down his face.

"Did you hear?" Jimmy asks. She just nods, she hears a noise behind turning her head slightly Gus comes sorrowfully down the stars and straight into colds arms. Mac puts Keeke on the play mat in the lounge along with Mila. "We got our flights for tomorrow" by our she means the whole crew. "Does anyone know what happened?"

"Urm Chloe told me that he Urm *Mac takes deep gulp* that he Urm went off the rails and he died of  a Coke OD" she looks up at Gus she never wanted to be the one to tell him his friend died from an OD. From the very drug they all used to do together. Gus runs up to her burying his head in her neck. She feels him sobbing. She rubs his back, kissing his neck. "It's ok baby. Let it out" she never once told him to hold his emotions in, Mac always encouraged him to let it all out, to talk about his emotions. That's one of the reasons they worked so well. She rubs his hair down to his neck as his sobs into her. This is not what they needed just as a second baby is about to come. Gus and cold go to play with the babies, trying to hold back the tears and remember the good things in life "we were just about to order Chinese food. Do you guys wants some?" She asks their friends. They look over at the boys not paying attention to one word they are saying.

"Yes hunny that sounds amazing" the girls go into the kitchen. Giving the boys a moment to himself. They order the food talking about what had just happened. Mac looks through the kitchen door hearing Keekes beautiful laugh followed by a mellow laugh from Gus. Breaks her heart seeing him this upset, wanting to be able to take this pain away from him.

"Hey baby" Mac calls for Gus as she grabs her keys and bag. "We are gonna go pick some beer up for you guys and the food. Do you want anything else?" He shakes his head walking over with Keeke, he leans down and kisses before she kisses Keeke rubbing her lipstick off his cheek. "Do you want me to take the babies ?"

"No we good babygirl" he kisses the top of her head as they leave. They stop off at the store, grabbing the boys some beer before grabbing sodas.

"Keeke loves these things" She holds up a box of banana wafters before putting it in the cart "he literally would eat the box if we let him.

"Oh god Mila is the same. She absolutely loves them" the girls laugh as she grabs a pack of waters before heading to the check out. "Cravings?" Jimmy nods to the cart laughing at Mac's 6 bags of sweet popcorn

"Like you wouldn't fucking believe" they laugh as she pays.  Getting back to the house they can hear the boys talking about Dylan, remembering all the good memories they had with him. They give them a couple more minutes before opening the doors "hello my babies" Mac introduces herself as they enter the house. The boys laugh Gus goes running up to her kissing taking the pack of water from her "hey baby. Cold can you grab the beers from the car please hunny?" He nods as slips past them, Jimmy takes the food into the kitchen. Gus follows his wife into the kitchen kissing her gently.

"I love you baby" he smiles at her kissing her again.

"I love you too hunny" she stretches up kissing him "did you feed Keeke?" He nods "ok I'm gonna put him to bed can you serve up dinner?" He nods again kissing her as she slips out the kitchen to grab her son who is yawning softly. Picking him up he is already falling asleep on her shoulder. "You can pop Mila down in Keekes room if you want. We haven't changed the spare crib to a new born one yet" Jimmy smiles at her friend following her up the stairs they put the babies down watching as they fall asleep instantly. Mac feels hands around her waist, stretching her arm up she feels Gus's hair. He wraps his arms around her tighter watching as their son sleeps soundly not knowing the harsh reality of the world.

"I am so grateful for you too. Without Keeke, without you holding me down. I'm sure that I would of have had the same path as Dylan and so many of my friends. Thank you for sticking by me through everything. Truly are the OG. I love you Mac" she spins around looking her husband in the eyes seeing how pained he is right now. She wipes away some of the tears.

"I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant spending another lifetime with you babyboy"

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