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Everyone is in a good mood, Mac has replaced coke with energy drinks. She knows it's not the best replacement but she needs something to occupy her time. She has started planning the next tour not sure if she can even join him on it. They would love to be able tour again before the baby comes but she doesn't know if they should incase of anything happens. But she really wants to go. Gus has gone over to Bexey's to do some recording for his album, while he's gone Mac dances round the house in her underwear while she can still see her feet. She comes sliding round the corner into the kitchen to the fright of her life.

"AHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKK" her dance comes to grinding holt as she stares at Dylan standing in her kitchen. Suddenly becomes very aware she is standing in her underwear "FUCKING HELL DYLAN" Mac's breathing finally calms down, she brushes the hair out of her face "what the fuck? What are you doing in my kitchen? How the fuck did you get in?" All these questions running through her head, she starts rubbing her belly for comfort.

"Urm Peep gave me the spare key" he holds the key up. "He said I could stay here when I need it" Dylan looks like he's about to cry.

Mac sighs "what happened?"

"Hannah broke up with me" he starts sobbing in the kitchen she moves round the counter about to hug him then realising she just in her underwear she stops.

"I'm gonna put a tee on" she runs into laundry room grabbing one of Gus's tee and shorts. Walking back out Dylan is crying on her kitchen counter. Just when they got their lives on track they do not need to start opening their house up to strays agin. "Ok I'm appropriate now" she pulls him in for a hug. "Urm what happened Dylan?"

"She found texts on my phone to another a girl" without missing a beat Mac smacks the back of his head, he knows he's done wrong but just reminds her when he didn't stop Peep. "Ow. I know I know"

"You're a fucking idiot" Mac walks over to fridge, throwing him a water before grabbing her own "A fucking idiot. Right ok. You can stay in the spare room but not for long cause we need it back" she starts rubbing her belly trying to make it obvious that she is pregnant.

"Are you?" She nods at him "Congratulations Mac! You look so healthy this time!"

"I know! Right ok gonna put some proper clothes on and we are going grocery shopping" she runs upstairs frantically texting Gus.

Hot Mami 🥵💍👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨💖
Get yo ass back home. You said Dylan could stay with us?!

Baby Daddy Peepkin🎃
Oh shit yeah. Sorry baby. I'll be back soon. I love you 👀💜

The pair head off to the grocery store, Mac buys every snack in site while eating a pack of cookies as they shop. She tries her best to comfort Dylan but all she can think is he is fucking idiot for cheating on a good girl like Hannah. Maybe this is the push he needs to grow the fuck up. Driving up to the house she is expecting to see Gus waiting for in the kitchen, he is not there. They unpack the groceries, she thinks Dylan knows she was unaware of the generosity her husband had extended to him. Probably the last thing she wanted to do when pregnant but Mac has the same giving nature as Gus does and can't say no. Once they've finished unpacking she hears the front door go, handing Dylan the carrier bags to put away in the laundry room. She turns around arms folded watching Gus walk into the house holding a hide bouquet of red roses. He comes running up to her kissing her neck and then kissing her on the mouth.

"I'm so sorry baby I totally forgot. I love you" he whispers, trying to make sure Dylan does hear them "you look really pretty today" he giggles. She try's to hold the stern face but he can always make her laugh. "Ha you're not mad" he kisses her again handing her the roses "in your presence they look inadequate"

"Oooo you're smooth babyboy" she kisses before snatching away the roses. Mac stands over the kitchen sink snipping away the ends of the steams before putting them in a vase. Gus wraps his arms around her waist.

"I got you another gift as well" he kisses her neck before holding out a box of doughnuts in front of her, a small giggle escapes her lips. He knows this giggle, this she has done something giggle. "What have you done?" She puts down the flowers spinning around and opening up on of their cupboards to reveal the all the snacks she bought while shopping hungry.

"I may have treated myself" she starts laughing Gus shakes his head laughing with her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, she wraps her around his neck they stand kissing in the middle of the kitchen so in love. The house is always full of love. Dylan walks into the kitchen.

"Sorry Dylan. You alright?" Gus turns to face his friend. "You wanna go record?" Dylan just nods at him. This is what they do when they are sad the pair record together. At first they may not talk about it but once they've got the music out of them they will eventually talk to about what is bothering them. But they go to each when they don't want to think about what is happening, when they don't want to think. Now they are older Mac hopes this isn't the case, that they will talk like the adults they are. She stares at this house they've only been in for 3 months but looking around is this where they are gonna raise their baby? She already wants to leave and live in Long Island with his Mama or even just NYC. Somewhere close to their family, they will need the support. Opening her laptop the most recent email is from Liza, like she can read her mind. The email reads:

Mama 🐣
Hey Mackenzie,

This just came up for sale check it out xxx

Followed by a link to a new house for sale, the house is gorgeous it's no LA house but it is gorgeous.

LilPeep happy birthday to my beautiful wife! You inspire me every single day, when I look at you time stops and I get those extra minutes to appreciate you in the beauty that you are

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LilPeep happy birthday to my beautiful wife! You inspire me every single day, when I look at you time stops and I get those extra minutes to appreciate you in the beauty that you are. I love you when you wake me up at 4 am because you had a funny dream, I love you when you're throwing up because of too much tequila and you calling for me to hold your hair, I love you when it's freezing cold outside and you put your cold feet on me to warm. I love you so much! Thank you giving me the greatest gift of all, true love. You are my soulmate and without you I would not be me. This is your world baby I just wanna play a part. Lastly! I cannot wait to meet our baby 💖💖

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy that made me cry 🥺🥺I love you so much baby thank you for giving me the best life 💖💖

Shaynay stop. You guys. You're making me cry over  here 🥺 @jgrxxn take notes!

Jgrxxn thanks mate showing me up here 😉 but honestly you two are definition of soulmates and true love 💖 happy birthday Mac and congrats again!

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