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MacDaddy guys I'm ready to fucking pop

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MacDaddy guys I'm ready to fucking pop. Peepkin will you hurry up and get to tiny ass here💖 #pendingpeepkin

Tagged LilPeep


"SHAY" Mac screams at the top of lungs at her best friend. Waiting for to get ready for Peep and Js show tonight. "WOMAN WE GOTTA GO" she stands at the front jingling her keys in her hand, water bottle in the other. Her best friend comes strutting down the stairs looking stunning in a schema t shirt she made into a dress. " I fucking hate how skinny you are right now" Mac laughs with Shay as they walk toward her truck.

"Shut up. I swear Josiah was twice the size of baby Peepkin. I'm having my moment of glory" she flicks her joking with Mac.

"Dude I ready to pop. I swear to god. This child better get here quick" she rests her hand on her belly as baby Peepkin kicks her before setting off. They drive towards the venue into Brooklyn. "Mate we've spoke about this" Shay looks up from her phone really confused on what is going on quickly realising she is talk to bump and not her "you cannot kick me when I am driving" eventually they pull to the venue and they see the love of their lives standing outside waiting for them. "Hey baby" Mac walks as quickly as she can to Peep. She kisses him "I missed you baby. Peepkin started kicking again" Gus rests his hand on her bump feeling his little one kicking.

"I missed you to baby" he kisses her "oh wow. Not long now" he looks at her with eyes filled with love. "I'm so happy your both here to watch the show"they hand the girls their passes for the night and they all go backstage. Eventually it's time for Gus to perform. Mac watches from the side of the stage dancing along to the music with Shay whispering softly to the baby.

"This is your daddy's music. Get used to it because we love it" she laughs to herself. Gus catches a glimpse at her his heart just filled with love at the sight of his pregnant wife. Never loved anyone as much as he does right now. She feels this warm liquid running down her leg, she looking down at her grey skirt thinking she had peed herself from laughing too much but there was way more liquid then pee. She feels this tights cramp. She grabs onto Shay's arm "oh my god" she screams looking at her "My fucking waters broke" Mac is in labour! "I'm in fucking labour fuck. Fuck" Shay stands there in panic trying to get Gus's attention from the side of the stage. Waving her arms. J comes over.

"Mac's waters have broke. I'm gonna drive to the hospital. Get Peep there now" she pulls Mac out of the venue and into the car. They drive off to the hospital, J texts her along the way saying they are not far behind them. "Boo have you got your hospital bag?" Shay trying not to panic as Mac sits there texting, looking at the car window you would wonder who is having the baby here.

"Yeah it's in the boot babe. I'm just gonna call Liza" her phone still connected to the Bluetooth calmly calls her mother in law to inform her of the news. "Hi Liza. You alright?" Shay stares at her in disbelief in the calmness of her best friend.

"Yeah I'm good hunny, it's late everything it ok?" Liza answers.

"Yeah we are good, just letting you know that my waters broke and we are heading to the hospital now" she laughs to herself as Liza laughs at her.

"Hunny you are way more calm than I was in labour. Ok I'll meet you at the hospital. I'll be about 30 minutes" Liza hangs up the phone as Mac's continues to laugh at her calmness. They arrive at the hospital and the boys actually arrive before them probably cause Mac made shay stop and get milkshakes. She hands Gus a three musketeers milkshake.

"Your mama is on her way baby" she stretches up and kisses him. J and Shay stare the parents to be in complete calm, no stress, no fear in them at all. Complete opposite to how they were when Josiah was born.

"Why the fuck are you two so calm?" the couple stare to look at their best friends and laugh before heading into the hospital. Shay and J chill in the birthing room with them until his Mama turns with his grandma, Shay stays with them but J goes to wait in the waiting room with Cold and Jimmy. It's hours before Mac actually goes into labour, she nearly breaks Gus's hand squeezing it so much. She looks at him mid push.

"This is your fucking fault" she growls at him, this is not the pain she imaged. "Your the fucking reason we are in this mess" Gus knows this is the pain talking and with the lack pain drugs at her request he just bares it. Mac said no to pain drugs only gas n air. She has barely made through detoxing this time around she doesn't need to put back on the addiction again by the very hospital she did it for. After 2 long hours in labour, their beautiful baby boy is here. Their friends and family empty the room letting the new parents have a moment together. "Baby look at him" the new born holds Gus's finger in his whole hand eyes still close not quite managing to open them just yet.

"He's gorgeous baby, you did amazing" he brushes the hair out of his wife's sweaty face kissing her. "I love you baby and I love our baby. What are we gonna call him?" Gus climbs into the bed with her, he cuddles up to he as she cradled their newborn.

"I love you too baby and I love you" she kisses their baby forehead "what about Keenan? Keeke for short?"

"I love it baby. Keenan Oskar Richards Åhr?"

She looks up at her husband "yeah baby. I love it" she kisses him again but quickly goes back to looking at their beautiful baby boy. Not wanting to miss a moment with him. Their family slowly drops into the room coming to say hello.

LilPeep happy birthday Keenan Oskar Richards Åhr! Welcome to the world my beautiful son 💖 I love you so much already! You're just as perfect as we imagined

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LilPeep happy birthday Keenan Oskar Richards Åhr! Welcome to the world my beautiful son 💖 I love you so much already! You're just as perfect as we imagined. Thank you to everyone for your kind messages Mummy and Baby are doing amazing. Mac is currently resting with our little Keeke. To my dearest wife. Thank you for giving me the two greatest gifts anyone can give. True love and the most beautiful son. You did amazing, you amaze me every single day. I love you so much 🥺💖💖

Tagged MacDaddy, Kathrynhollowoak, Shaynay, oskar_ahr, jimmytoast


Shaynay congrats! I'm so proud of you both! Welcome to the world Keeke 💖💖

Coldhart I'm so happy for you two! HBD Keeke

Jimmy and cold walk into the room to see Mac and the baby. When Jimmy suddenly stops.

"OH MY GOD JIM. YOUR WATER" her waters break in Mac's room. The nurse brings in a wheelchair and takes her off to the room next door. Mac being in not fit state to be a birthing partner Shay steps in. They wait patiently on the news, she looks up at her husband still filled with the rush from her own birth "oh my god our babies are born on the same day"

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