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Mac and Gus sit patiently waiting for today to begin, Gus holds her hand gently on his lap watching as their family sits around them. He turns to look at Mac they are a real team now, they have each other's back all the time and constantly supporting each other. She smiles up at him, he leans down and kisses her "I love you baby"

"I love you too" she smiles at him, kissing him one last time before. "Ok I'll be back in a minute" she kisses him then her children before walking off. She swiftly walks up to her eldest son who is standing there looking handsome, struggling to fix his bow tie. "Come here baby" she is already starting to cry at the sight of her first born in a tux. She ties his bow tie for him as he wipes away her tears. "Wow you look so handsome hunny"

"Mom! Stop crying. You'll make me cry" she smiles up at him. He definitely gets his height from his dad. She fasten the white lily to front of his tux.

"Me and your dad are so proud of you Keeke. You will always be my first baby. You were so tiny and I will never forget the feeling when I held you for the first time, you held my pinky finger with your whole hand. Now look at you, you're getting married to your best friend. We are so proud of you. There is no greater feeling marrying your best friend I should know. I hope you have a full and happy life together like we have been blessed with" she stretches up and kisses Keeke on his forehead. "Right are you ready?" He nods at her

"Yes mama" she smiles he still calls her mama after all these years.

"are you guys ready?" She looks down at her kids, Zo (their youngest) is ring boy, Frazer is best man. Stevie is a bridesmaid and Nicoletta is flower girl. Keeke takes her arm in his, they walk down the aisle together. She looks over to her right and sees Gus sitting there with his mama her heart flutters. He winks at her, she winks back blowing him a kiss. They reach the end of the aisle, she turns to face Keeke she adjusts his flower before kissing his cheek "I love you babyboy" she kisses Frazer on the cheek before rejoining her husband in the front row. He kisses her.

"You look beautiful up there" she cuddles up to him smiling "reminds me of our wedding day all those years ago" he winks at her

"I know all those 26 years ago" she winks at him kissing him again before turning to watch the rest of the wedding party walk down the aisle. Then there she is, the beautiful bride. They sit watching the beautiful ceremony and it gets to the important bit.

"Do you Keenan Oskar Richards Åhr take Mila Quilisadio to be your lawful wedded wife?" The justice of the peace asks.

He looks into the eyes of his best friend and smiles "I do" he slips the ring on to her finger. Their families are finally joined. After all those years on joking that their kids will get married they finally do. At the end of the ceremony Jamie and Mac go running out to each other hugging.

"It finally happened. We are family" the two start to cry at the happy moment. The happy couple turn and look at their crazy moms. "We used to always joke that you two would get married now you have" Gus pulls his wife in for a cuddle.

"We did it baby. We did it"he kisses her "I love you so much. Thank you for the best 26 years ever. You've given me the most amazing family, unconditional love" he kisses her. When she reopens her eyes she's in the loft bed, panting, she looks over to her side Gus is sleeping soundly she can hear the loud noises of skid row outside their window. Mac continues panting waking Gus up. "Baby you ok?" He rubs her back still in a Half asleep state.

"Yeah just really vivid dream. Go back to sleep baby" she kisses him, pushing him back down cuddling up to him. Smiling at thought of a long happy life together.

The end

Surprise update for our Gus's birthday 💖💖

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