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"ITS LAST DAY OF TOUR" Mac shouts as they stand in the middle of the empty arena. The crew gather round her, they got 5 hours to view houses and pick the one for them. "OK FUCKWITS, I hope y'all had a good nights sleep, most of y'all in your own bed. Lucky shits *she winks at then* as much as I have loved seeing all y'all faces every day for the last 2 months. I am ready not see anyone of you for like a month or so. We are back in LA this is special place for us, this is where we grew as a couple, this is where we met most of you. This is the home of where it all began. So this is going to be special. We've got a full house tonight guys. We are sold out. No extra tix no backstage. We've got family, we've got friends coming. So let's make tonight special ok! We are going out today so any questions please aim them at Chase he is my eyes and ears today. Everything is set up so if y'all fuck up I'll know" she winks at the boys as Gus hands out shots for the guys. "The next tour gonna be huge and I mean huge. We are talking world wide. So please rest up over the next few months. So let's make tonight count guys. Peepers on 3. 1.........2.........3 PEEPERS" they all cheer and down their shot. She turns to Gus smiling up at him as he pulls her in by the waist. "You ready to go baby?" He nods at her pulling Mac in for a kiss before the turn around and leave the arena. They hop into a Uber down to the office.

"Baby why you so dressed up?" He winks at her, holding her hand in the Uber. He likes having constant contact with her. Makes him feel safe and calms his anxiety down.

"Wait till you get to the office and you'll see why" she winks back at him leaning across the middle seat to gently kiss him. She smiles at him before kissing him again, she calms him down. He is starting to panic about the move, if it was the right move for them but they're whole life is here, friends, family, work. As they pull up to the Oppenheim Group Gus can see the girls in the office way over dressed for real estate, now he can see why Mac is dressed the way she is. Fitting in with the girls but she is blowing them way out of the water. Mac struts into the office in her custom Louboutins that he had bought for the Christmas just gone. He stares at her she works memorised by her, he loves her so much. Her ass shakes as walks he still can't believe that she married him.

"Christine" Mac exclaims as this blonde giant comes running over to his 5"4 midget wife.

"Mac!!" They hug "so glad to meet you finally! You must be the lovely Gus" Christine holds her hand out for Gus to shake, he nervously shakes it before hiding behind Mac grabbing her hand. "Are we ready to look at some houses? We've got 4 hours right?"

"Yeah that's right!!" They walk through the back of the office to where Christines car is parked. "So you got my email regarding the house? We don't anything like too LA or over the top. We just need a recording space and a big back yard with a pool. We love pool parties and just parties in general so yeah big back yard" they laugh.

"So have you guys sold your house in London?" Christine asks as they pull up to the first house.

"Yeah it actually sold like just before I emailed you" they laugh as they walk through the front door " so no pres-" Mac's jaw drops mid sentence "oh my" she turns to look up at Gus who is just as much shock as she is this house is beautiful. It's right on sunset, it's perfect for them. "Baby this is the one" she looks up at husband with those big blue eyes. How could he say no to her? How could he say no when he feels exactly the same. They've looked through the materials Christine sent them, this is their home. Potentially the forever home. He puts his arm around her kissing her.

"I agree baby" he smiles down at her kissing her again. "This is our home" they whisper to eachother as Christine takes them through the rest of the house. They've already made their decision, this tour is just icing on the cake.

"So what do we think guys?" Christine turns around to look at the happy couple.

"We absolutely love it. So it's on the market for 3?" She nods her head, she looks up at Gus "we will take it but there's a little work needing doing to the pool and some of the bedrooms need updating. We will take it with a all cash offer of 2.5" she looks at Christine as she talks to the seller praying that they will take the offer. The conversation looks like it is going well.

"Ok guys. You have got yourself a deal" she exclaims with joy. "This is your new house guys"

Gus picks Mac up spinning around in their new kitchen kissing her "we moving back baby" all she can do is smile with joy that they are moving back home, she kisses him again.

"Let's get down to the office and do the paperwork, we can get you in here by the end of the week"  they head back to her car. Mac can hardly contain her excitement while they sign the papers they are so excited to tell their friends and family of the best move ever.

Mama we just bought a house!......... in LA we are moving back!!

Mama Peep🐣
Oh my! Congrats baby! So happy for you two💜

They wait outside for their Uber to come, she has already texted Chloe and their furniture will be in the new house Friday. Only 3 days. They are going to stay in LA until then. Chloe said everything has been packed up, there's nothing else to sort out the money has been wired from the sale and transferred for the new sale. They might buy some new stuff for the house, just a fresh start for them.

"You wanna celebrate?" Gus winks are her waving a baggie of coke in front of her. Her eyes fill with love and admiration of this thing of beauty in front of her eyes. Mac bites her lip and nods her head. They do a sneaky bump before their Uber arrives. As they pull up to the arena they see all their friends standing around their tour bus. This is best time to announce it to them all. "Hey guys can you gather around" Gus shouts at them all as he puts his arm around his wife. "We've got some news to share with you all" he looks down at Mac who is looking up at him smiling, nodding that it is going to all ok, he looks back to his friends "We just bought a house. We are moving back to LA!!!

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