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MacDaddy I love it when people send me these 😂 this is the same disapproving look I get when bring over a round of tequila after I said I wasn't drinking anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️

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MacDaddy I love it when people send me these 😂 this is the same disapproving look I get when bring over a round of tequila after I said I wasn't drinking anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep you ain't ever gonna stop drinking 😂 stop lying to yourself 😂💜

MacDaddy let me live in my delusion!

"I am so excited to get Mamas. Feel we like we haven't seen her in ages" Gus cuddles up to Mac on the plane over. He kisses the top of her head as she reads on her iPad. "What you reading baby?"

"I am reading an article about the court case of girl who sold Mackned the Xanax. She is facing federal charges and 10+ years in prison. Apparently her and her suppler knew the drugs were laced and were causing deaths" she looks up at him smiling, she leans up slightly and kisses him. "Baby can we go to Chicago?"

"That's random. Yeah sure why?"

"I've realised we've done shows in Chicago but never actually like gone exploring. Dunno just really wanna go" she shrugs her shoulders going back to her iPad. Gus plays with her hair as he watches at film on the tv screen when they announce they will be landing soon and to put things away. He starts bouncing up and down like a child excited to his Mom after so long without her. Living in the Uk is good and has helped him better his career but they miss the heat in the states, they kinda miss LA as well. They are at a good place in their life where they can trust each other to be back in LA without any worry or fear. "You excited babyboy?" She leans over and kisses his cheek for the first time in weeks she is not on something and feels amazing for it. Weed doesn't count. Remember that. On the journey over she has decided to tell everyone she is pregnant tonight, she wants Gus to be around their loved ones when he finds out the amazing news. Before they flew out she had a secret check up to make sure everything is ok before telling him and she got the all clear.

"So excited. I miss her baby" he looks down at her as he pushes their bags through the airport, he gives her the look that says he wants to move back. She knew this was coming because she wants to move back as well.

"We will think about it baby" she stretches up kissing him before running off to hug Liza "Mama!" She pulls her in for a cuddle "oh god. We missed you mama. I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you both so much. When are you moving back" she wipes away a tear from her eye, Gus throws Mac a look at that comment. She mouths not yet to him before he gets too excited. They head to the house they've got an hour to kill before they need to leave for the meal. She decides this is the time to talk about moving.

"Babyyyy" she calls him from her position of the bed. Too comfy to leave it. She holds her arms out clawing for him. He comes to her side cuddling up. "We both know we wanna move back. Question is when?" He looks up at with a massive smile "ayyy thought you would like that" she kisses him on the head. He sits up next to her looking at her.

"Don't play me like that baby you serious?" She nods her head with a massive grin on her face "where? Here? Chicago? LA?"

"I don't know too many options. What do you think baby? Chicago is really cold in the winter but steaming in the summer. Here we would be close to Mama but do you not NYC is bit uptight for us? LA we've done. We love it but there's negative energy. Maybe try something new?"

"Chicago sounds nice baby. Maybe we could get a 6 month deal? Try it out then make a decision?"

"I like your thinking Åhr" she kisses his nose. Getting off the bed to get ready.

LilPeep damn how did I get so fucking lucky 😍 hot damn babygirl

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LilPeep damn how did I get so fucking lucky 😍 hot damn babygirl. Mine forever and always 💜

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy because you deserve all the good things babyboy 💜💜 mine forever and always 💜

"Baby you look gorgeous tonight" he pulls her in by the waist she looks up at him smiling, there is genuine happiness across her face.

"Thank you baby" she kisses him

"Baby your boobs are fucking massive. What is going on with them" he pokes them laughing to himself like a child.

"I'm a girl. We got no clue what our bodies do" she laughs walking out to the car, they get in. His Mom, brother and grandmother in the back.

"You sure you wanna drive? We can get an Uber babe?" He asks her as she turns the engine. She backs out of his moms driveway.

"Yeah boo. I'm not feeling booze" she winks at him as they drive to the restaurant. Once everyone is settle, she coughs looking over at Peep sitting next to her knowing this is the right moment. They are surrounding by loved ones. "I've actually got something I would like to say" she takes a sip of her Diet Coke, kissing Gus on the cheek "As some of you know last year we suffered a horrible loss of our little pending peepkin *Gus grabs her hand at the terrible thought. A tears to start to well in both their eyes* it took us a while but we learned to live with the loss and now it's doesn't hurt as much. I'm glad we went through that pain because it made us strong and closer if that was ever possible *they all laugh* because of that pain I'm happy to tell you all...... I am pregnant and I'm due on 30/11" she looks down at Peep he looks at her with wide eyes not believing the news.

"Are you serious baby?" He grabs her face smiling at with that smile she loves so much. She nods her head with big smile on hers. The room is filled with love. "We are having a peepkin?"

"We are having a Peepkin baby" she pulls his to hers kissing him. They're family is complete again

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