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"What do you think this dinner is about baby?" Mac asks Gus as she gets ready in the mirror her belly getting bigger by the minute. She stands their looking her husband laughing to himself as he watches TikTok. She throws her makeup brush at him. Hitting him right in the head. "Oi dickhead" a startled Gus looks up from his phone looking at her in utter confusion. "Did cold tell you what tonight is about?" She asks the question again.

"Not a clue babygirl" he answers her getting up off the bed and kissing her on top of her head. "You ready boo?" She nods at him smiling like it's the first time they've ever looked at each other. "What smelly?" She starts laughing pushing him a way.

"Nothing. Just I love you boo" she leans her head back pouting waiting for him to kiss her. Gus happily obliges and leans down to kiss her.  He brushes the hair out of her face, kissing her forehead one last time.

"I love you too baby. Come let's get going" he pulls her off the chair. She laughs as he pulls her song their bedroom floor. She lays their on the floor pulling Gus down with her he starts tickling her she can't control her actions as she starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Stop stop please baby" there's a little sadness is her voice he knows she's reached her limit. He picks her up off the floor and the pair head off to dinner with their friends.

MacDaddy you ok in there buddy? You'll be in our arms soon! Mama and Daddy are so excited to meet you 💖 half way down guys! We are gonna do a gender reveal soon 👀👀 ghost girl or ghost boy? Y'all vote for it! #20weeks #peepkinpending

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MacDaddy you ok in there buddy? You'll be in our arms soon! Mama and Daddy are so excited to meet you 💖 half way down guys! We are gonna do a gender reveal soon 👀👀 ghost girl or ghost boy? Y'all vote for it! #20weeks #peepkinpending

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I'm so excited to meet you peepkin!

"Jimmy are you gonna tell us what this about? I'm about labour just thinking about it" Mac jokes as she sips on her Diet Coke.

"Ok ok. Feel like you guys have waited long enough. As you know we half way through this pregnancy" she proudly rubs her belly "and we've been thinking about adult shit. We have made the decision that we are moving back to Long Island!" Mac's jaw drops, her new bestie is leaving her she is sad.

"Oh my god dude that amazing" Gus congratulates his friend.

"Oh my god. Congrats hun! Funny how you should say that because Gus and I have been doing some thinking. As my family are sadly no longer with us we want peepkin to be near their grandparent and great grandma. We are also moving back to long beach NY. We actually found a house, near the beach, near his mamas. We leave in a month guys" Mac announces their amazing news they were gonna keep it quiet but it seems like they perfect time. She's told Peep love it or hate it they ain't moving again she can't got through this process again.

"Oh my god. I'm so glad we don't leave each other" the girls hug and as the boys making recording plan. "Yay I've got my bestie with me"

"You know we are gonna force our kids to be friends"

"100% and they are prolly gonna marry to keep the bloodline going" the girls laugh as they exchange photos of their new house. Mac is nervous to leave everyone again but they can't be in LA while raising a family is never gonna be good for their mental health or their family's. They Aren't selling the house, they've gotten Christine to rent it out for them and she is going to run the whole thing while they are back home unless something major comes up then she'll contact them regarding it. But other that they will have no contact with that house.

"So we actually have some more exciting news" everyone look at the pair "Jimmy has the results of our gender reveal she is going play ghostboy or ghsotgirl. Think it's a boy" they all look at her as she connects her phone to the speaker. Then the opening line of ghostboy starts to play the pair look at each other with excitement "AYYYYYYYYYY I told you baby" she pulls him in for a kiss "we are having a babyboy" she smiles at him, the biggest smile she's ever smiled. They are having baby and they are so excited.

"We are baby. We are having a boy" he looks at with such love in his eyes the whole room lights up. "We are gonna be parents" he pulls her in for a kiss. "I love you Mami"

MacDaddy so a promise is a promise! We are expecting a little ghostboy!

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MacDaddy so a promise is a promise! We are expecting a little ghostboy!

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep I'm so excited! I love you 💖💖

Crybaby // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now