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Mac sits on the end of the bed, legs crossed sipping hot chocolate, wide awake from the 3 am feed. Watching her beautiful son fuss himself back to sleep after having a whole bottle. Gus was supposed to leave for tour yesterday but he got Mac to push everything back. With Keeke's original due date he would of had time to do a quick tour and be home for the birth as the doctor told them first borne are always late but not the case with their son. Of course he would be early, in true Richards Åhr fashion. Mac is completely and utterly obsessed with her son, she never thought she would love anyone with the amount love she has for Gus but he now has to share that podium with Keeke. Her thought pattern is suddenly broken when she feels warm hands on shoulders and a cold set of lips on her neck.

"Baby the doctor said sleep when he sleep otherwise you won't" she still fascinated by her son, Gus continues to kiss down her neck trying to get her back to bed with him.

"I know baby but he's so beautiful I don't want miss a moment" she turns to look at husband. He gives the please sleep look. She finally gives in kissing him gently before placing her mug down on the bedside table and resting her tired eyes.

Before she knows it Keeke is fussing again and it's 6 am but before she can even open her eyes Keeke stops fussing and hears him drinking. In her tired she opens her eyes to see Gus sitting in bed with their son feeding him. It's brings warmth to her heart, he looks so natural doing. Keeke is only a month only but the only place Gus has look this natural is on stage. Within minutes of witnessing this beautiful moment she back asleep. When she is once awoken but Keeke fussing rubbing his hands all over her face. She opens her eyes to see her son inches from her face. All three of them had been sleeping in the bed but this time its 9 am and she should really get out of bed. Mac picks her son up as Gus sleeps and creeps downstairs not wanting to wake him. She pops him on the babymatt looking up the mobile as she makes breakfast. Turning around every few minutes to make sure he's ok, she just smiles at how perfect he is when there is a knock at the door, she picks Keeke up and walks over to their front door. Singing to him as she goes, opening the door she sees Liza standing there with breakfast.

"Ahhh look who it is! Grandma!" She talks to her son in a baby voice "And she brought mommy and daddy breakfast. Yay grandma!" She carries on talking to him a babe voice as she lets Liza into the house, they do a swap Keeke for food. Liza has been a god send the last month helping them out getting them ready for parent life. They thought they had another month to practice but no Keeke couldn't wait any longer so they had less time. "Thank you Mama" she kisses Liza on the cheek as plates up the pancakes, with a side of granola and yoghurt "you want fruit with your granola Liza?"

"Ooo yes please sweetie! I'll have what your having" Mac cuts up some fruit as Liza plays with Keeke. Gus comes wondering down the stairs "Hey baby" his Mom greets him, he kisses her cheek before kisses Keekes head.

"Morning sweetie" Mac smiles and kisses her husband as she plates up breakfast "you want granola as well baby? Or just some fruit?" She asks her husband as he steals a strawberry from her bowl.

"Urm just some fruit baby" he kisses her "you want to make Keeke a bottle?" She smiles and nods at him as she makes her husband breakfast. Liza watches as the happy couple make breakfast together which is a complete 180 from where they were 12 months ago after Chicago screaming at each other behind closed doors. She watches them laugh and feed each other fruit as she plates up breakfast for her happy little family. The first house in a long time which is filled with nothing but love and laughter no sadness no tears no anger just love. They've found their forever home here in long beach with her. Mac sets the plates down on the table as Gus heads his Mom the bottle so she can feed her grandson

"What's it's like being a Grandma?" Gus winks at his Mom as she gently slaps him on the arm.

"The best feeling ever" she looks down at Keeke smiling and kissing his head "he is like a mini you and a mini you combined" she looks at the both of them.

Crybaby // Lil PeepWhere stories live. Discover now