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Sorry guys had a big project that was due today! But I'm back with a banging chapter for you! Missed you all 💖💖

Mac and Gus cuddle up as they watch the past 2 years unfold on the screen, Mac's first interview pops up on screen Gus squeezes her tight as she watches her self on screen. Their friends around act like idiots.

"AYYYYYYY" they all chant from the crowd

They sit back and watch her on the screen explain their life together, she gets this sort of uncomfortable feeling in her stomach as her interview seems to go for longer than they filmed for.

"When I found out Gus had cheated on me*she brushes the hair out of her face, eyes already filled with tears. She fiddles with the holes in her jeans not wanting to make eye contact with the camera, eventually she looks up. Gus holds her hand Tight as they watch the screen knowing what is about to come next, he kisses her head. She looks up at him as he whisper sorry she kisses him. As she pulls away she sees Emma looking over at him. She's not entirely comfortable with Emma around* Nedarb had accidentally dropped him in it *she awkwardly giggles* We had just got back from vacation and Nedarb was showing me a video of something that happened while we were away. And urm I thought there was another video so I swiped, the next video was actually a video of Peep getting his dick sucked *she spits out that part with such venom, her eyes pierced the screen* by the whore, Layla. My world around me came shattering down. I didn't know what to do, where to go or who to turn to. What made the situation worse was I had been doing laundry, you know letting Peep have some time with his friends. He had taken god knows what, probably xans. And it was like arguing with a wall, the issue when we argue like it doesn't happen a lot but when it does it's explosive. Ask anyone *she laughs* we are both stubborn as fuck, savage bitches and we won't back down. We stood there in the middle of our living room screaming at each other. Not caring who heard us, I was just getting more and more upset and angry because he was so fucking high he couldn't see why I was upset. And we were just being vile to each other just to hurt one another because that's what he used to do when he was high. Then I would try to one up him when I knew I couldn't bring him down. I sat there in my car crying my eyes over looking the city of LA wondering how I ever got myself into another position where I fell in love and let someone in. Because that was always difficult me, after being with someone who would beat me *she wipes away tears* I vowed to myself I was never fall in love again and like a month later I met him, he changed my world forever so I knew that I was always going to stay. Everyone asked me why did you go back. You ever had a huge argument or a bad day and you call the best friend to vent? He was who I wanted to call when I was sitting in my car crying my eyes out. He is my best friend, always been my best friend always going to be my best friend. He is my soulmate and I thought to myself he deserves a second chance. It took a while but we got there, Well it worked because here we are like 4 years strong as ever" she smiles through the tears wiping them away.

They always knew that this film was going to bring things up that they tried to keep quiet for so long but they have overcome this issues now. What they weren't prepared for was how much they actually do drugs or how much they actually depend on them. This is highlighted in this film.  J comes up on the screen.

"Mac? Mac is the best damn thing that ever happened to Peep and to Schema. He lights up when she is around, when those two met you could tell instantly that they were going to be amazing together, unstoppable together. On the plane back from Glastonbury he could not speaking about her, I knew he had met the girl he was going to marry. After spending time with them I knew Peep has a boss lady on his hands, she is incredibly independent, she was 19 when they met and she had already made her mark in the industry, making her the most requested tour manager and planner in the business. He had his hands full with this one. It's entertaining to watch because 100% still that boss she was when they first met. But the way they look at each just makes you believe in soul mates and true love" Gus kisses his wife head listening to their friends discuss their relationship.

"Mac?" Nedarb pops up "god Mac is a queen. She was the queen of GBC like we liked to think we were gangster. But she could stop us in our tracks *nedarb laughs on camera as everyone else Does in the cinema* she put up with a lot, we invaded her homes on a regular basis. She had to live with like 10 smelly guys. We are really fucking annoying to live with as well. But she handled it, you knew you could always go to her for what any problems or help you needed. Just the way she looks at Peep, her eyes fill with love every time she looks at him. Even when they are screaming at each other you can see love in their eyes. And Peep? Oh god he looks at her like she is the only woman in the world and he is seeing for the first time again. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that these two were going together forever. He looked at her like his world starts and stops with Mac and it really does"

Mac and Gus cuddle up as they watch the rest of their film. Watching their friends and family discuss various aspects of Gus's career and their career. She does get a little uncomfortable when Layla does her part but it's not as bad as it could of been. The after party is in full swing, you think watching themselves on the big screen sniffing and popping two years of their lives away would stop them but no. They do what they do best when Mac gets a tap on her shoulder, she turns around to see Emma standing there smiling at her. Mac in her high state tries her best to friendly. She gives Emma a hug.

"Hey, thank you so much for being apart of the doc. We really appreciate it" she stands back smiling at her.

"No problem it was really fun"

"I know we've not really spoken before and like met 4 times but I know you had a big part in Gus's younger life and he still values your friendship. I would love for us to be friends" Mac is really trying here to be kind to her husbands childhood friend.

"I would love that as well" she pulls Mac in for another hug "I have a book of poetry coming out and I wanted you to have a chance to read it before it gets released" she hands her a copy of deeper than the ocean. Mac looks at her really confused just nodding walking away to put it her bag. Why would she want her to read it before it comes out? What's in it? She puts it in her bag to read when she's sober. Still confused on why Emma would like her to read it first? Not like she wants her opinion. Mac gets back to the party, Gus pulls her in by the waist kissing her.

"I love you so Much babygirl"

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