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MacDaddy y'all are fucking amazing! Albums been out for 1 hour and it's already number 1 in the UK and US

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MacDaddy y'all are fucking amazing! Albums been out for 1 hour and it's already number 1 in the UK and US.

WE FUCKING LOVE YOU GUYS 💜 this is Peeps happy face

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep thank you to all my fans for getting me here. Without your support I wouldn't get to number 1 💜 I love you babygirl 💖

MacDaddy I love you boo 💜💜

LilPeep Lil Peep Part 2 is official out! I'm number 1?! What the fuck?! Thank you guys so much! Love u all 💜

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LilPeep Lil Peep Part 2 is official out! I'm number 1?! What the fuck?! Thank you guys so much! Love u all 💜

Ps. Thank you to my amazing wife who produced 8/12 tracks 💜 I love you babygirl

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy you deserve all this success baby! I love so much 😘💖 forever and always 💖

"YOU'RE NUMBER ONE BABYBOY" Mac jumps up and down in the drivers seat of their rental car as they drive over to the new house. "IM SO FUCKING PROUD OF YOU" she smiles at him trying to keep her eyes on the road as well.

"I'M SO FUCKING HAPPY BABY. THANK YOU SO MUCH" he leans over and kisses her cheek as they dance in their seats to his new song being played on the radio. As they pull up to the house they see Christine waiting at the front door for them with a massive grin on her face. Mac cuts the engine, jumping out of the suv, her little legs barely making the pedals they were definitely not going to make the floor without a little push. She's gone for Jordan's today, light wash ripped, worn out denim dungarees with nothing but a CK bra. It's a hot day in LA, which they have definitely missed, her tattoos glisten under the sun. She cannot wait to get inked again. They walk round the front of the car, Gus hands her backpack (yes she still uses her backpack over 7 years later)

"Hey Christine!" Mac pulls her in for a hug.

" I'm going to give you this pleasure" she hands them the keys Mac takes them, she enters the key in the door, Gus puts his hand over the top as they turn the key and open up the door. He picks her up carrying her over the threshold she giggles as they enter their new home, potentially forever home. As they walk into their home straight into the kitchen they see 4 bottles of champagne waiting for them each with a small card in front of them. Mac picks the first card up reading out loud.

"Congratulations on the new home Christine & the rest of the Oppenheim Group x" she hands the card to Gus looking over to the Christine who is standing on the other side of the counter sorting out their paperwork. "Thank you hun. That's really sweet of you" she picks the second card up "Congratulations Lil Peep on being number 1 in the US, that's really sweet. Is this from you?" She asks Christine with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, I heard it as I was going over to the store. Congratulations Gus!" Gus gets all shy around the praise hiding behind Mac, reading over her shoulder. She elbows him in the ribs reminding him to say thank you through his anxiety.

"Thank you. It is a joint effort, Mac produce majority of it" He always passes the credit on to Mac never taking it for himself. "Congratulations Lil Peep on being number 1 in the UK" he looks up at her again "thanks Christine!"

"Congratulations Lil Peep on being number 1 Europe!" Mac hands the final card to Gus "thank you so much Christine. That was not necessary" she pulls her in for a hug. "You're so sweet. We should grab dinner soon. We've not been out in LA in like 3 years"

"Yes 100%! I'll bring my fiancé. Right so here is the paperwork. So that phone*christine points to the sleek black phone on the wall by the fridge*  is for the front gate, pretty simple. Big button opens the gate. It will close automatically after I think about 5 minutes. If you click this button" she points to one of the buttons on the phone "it will turn that feature off until the next time it's closed then it'll go back to autoclose. If you press this button it's close the gate. All of this is on that piece of paper in front of you Gus" she points to the counter "on it is the codes for the sidewalk gate and the main gate. There is also an app you can download and if you're somewhere else in the house or out your phone will buzz and you can see who is at the house. There is a camera at both gates and at the front door. It records everytime the code is entered from the front and when the buzzer is pressed to get out. The camera will start recording from 2 meters away. That is the gates the pool and jacuzzi are heated from the solar planets and the excess heat from the house. The dial is over here" she walks the over to the huge glass sliding doors that lead out to the garden/ pool this over looks sunset as they walks out they says a huge screen on the side of the building showing Peeps album cover.

"Oh my god baby" she grabs her husbands hand pointing to the screen. She looks up at Gus with love and pride in her eyes "I'm so proud of you" he leans down kissing her. " I love you" he moves in front of her, she jumps in his back at they admire the screen. She has never seen herself so large before, that picture was taken on a drug binge that's why she looks so skinny in the photo but no one will ever know. She nuzzles into his neck whispering in his "I love you Gustav, I am so proud of everything you do. I feel honoured to be part of your life" she kisses his neck, squeezing him tighter.

"I love you too Mackenzie, I feel so lucky that I get to be part of your amazing life. You make me so proud everyday" he squeeze her legs as he holds her there. Kissing her hand. Christine stands to the side watching these two in their little moment, the rumours were right about these two they are the sweetest couple and 100% are soulmates. She has never met a couple so in love with each other, so in sync with each other, they are the bestest friends as well which is rare in couples.

"Sorry we got totally off track there. You were saying the dial" Mac jumps off Gus's back walking over to where Christine has been patiently standing by the doors"

"Don't worry, you two are sweet it's nice to see true love still exists. So yes you can change the temp of the pool here and then on the jacuzzi over here" they walk back out in the garden right into the corner, Christine crouches down to show the control panel "this is the control panel. Again all this information in the information pack. The only other thing that is pressing is the alarm system. So I am going to reset it then you're going to enter a new code" Christine resets the security system then it's pops up to enter a new code. Mac enters the new code, she smiles at Gus.

"Malika" he mouths Oh and nods his head.

"Ok that's everything, if you do have any questions you have my number. We will arrange dinner but I am going to let you settle into your new home" the girls hug before she leaves. Mac and Gus stand out in the garden just admiring the screen cuddles up to each other.

"We are back home baby. We made it" he pulls her in looking down at her with that smile that sends her weak.

"We have made it baby. This is always going to be our home" she pulls him in tighter, he kisses the top of her head when their moment is timed by the buzzer going off in the kitchen. "That'll be the parasites with our stuff boo" she winks at him before kissing him again. "Let's get moved into our home" she walks backwards into the kitchen holding out her hand for him as they go into their next adventure together.

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