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"HEY PARASITES" she shouts at her friends with enthusiasm staring back at her Shaynay, J, Cold, Jamie and also baby J. "Hey baby" she goes for Josiah. Shayna hands him over as goes to hug Gus. "Hey baby. Auntie Mac and Uncle Peep have missed you. But we are gonna see you all the time now. Yes we will" she talks in a baby voice kissing Josiah all over his little squishy face. Gus comes over and plays with the baby as everyone else are in awe at the house. She looks up at her husband as he plays with Josiah, looking so natural with the baby " we are gonna be such good parents baby" she leans up at kisses him as she hands Josiah back to Shay. "So what do you guys think?" She asks their friends what they thinks of their new house. Gus stands behind her wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her neck as they talk to their friends.

"This house is amazing guys. Super proud of both you. Grown so much since when y'all both met at glasto" J congratulates the pair as they all remember when they first met all those years ago. J cuddles up to Shay and their adorable baby Josiah. Mac stares at her best friend so in love with their little family she can't wait to have her own.

"Thanks man. Yeah we were literally teens when we met. That's insane. 7 years now. Married for like 5?" He says but kinda asks the room at the same time. Shay nods at him to reassure him that's the right number "yeah 5 years. Crazy"

"Can't believe it's been 6 years since Malika" she looks at her best friend tears well in both their eyes. Gus squeeze her tighter for that little reassurance. He watches at J does the same back to Shay.

"Yeah I know. Rest in peace" they all stand around this amazing kitchen thing "come let's get going. Get you moved in" Mac's head turn when she hears the buzzer go. Moving over to the gate phone. She sees the moving truck is here with their stuff she buzzes them in. Shay sets up Josiah playpen in the space in front of the kitchen. Their friends head outside to grab boxes of stuff. Mac and Gus take one last moment to observe their new amazing house. Gus pulls her in for a tight cuddle, he kisses the top her head as they observe their house.

"I love you babygirl" she looks up at her husband, he looks back down at her with those big brown eyes that melt her, she can never say no to him. "I love you so much. Thank you for pushing me, motivating me, inspiring me, believing in me when no one else did and for loving me. Your my soulmate" he smiles at her and her heart skips a beat. She stretches up and kisses him.

"I love you too baby, thank you for pushing me, motivating me, inspiring me, believing in me and for loving me. Your my soulmate, we are soulmates boo" she stretches up and kisses him again. Their moment is interrupted when their friends come back into the house holding boxes. Luckily Chloe is an OCD freak and every single box is label appropriately. Which makes it easy when setting the house up. The group spend the day running in and out with boxes the girls set up all the bedrooms they leave the boys to set up the studio. The days passes in blur for the couple is was to the help of a few lines, their friends are none the wiser and it helps them get through the day. By the end of the day the house is basically all sorted and Lil Peep part 2 is already gone to gold. By tomorrow Mac is certain the album will be platinum, Gus's first ever platinum. The group stand on the master bedroom balcony overlooking sunset watching the sun go down over this city they all love so much. With a glass of champagne each, each couple are loved up cuddle up either each other. They are getting closer to Peeps birthday but there is still a warmth to the LA night.

"A toast" Mac holds up her glass the group all turn to face each other. Peep stays behind his wife holding her waist tight not wanting to let go of her. "To a group of misfits who are still a bunch of big kids pretending to be adults"

"Misfits" the group cheers together. Downing their drinks.

"To the bar?" Cold asks the group.

"Hell yeah!" J shouts back, Shay nudges him looking down at their baby "Your mom said she would watch him tonight. We will drop Josiah off and meet you at the bar" the group head towards the door, Mac hugs the pair as she locks up the front door.

"Ok hun I'll get you two a drink. We will be waiting" they wave them off as they drive off to Karla's, the group head off down the street to sunset and to the bar. Gus and Mac slow down as the light up a smoke each also doing a cheeky bump before Cold and Jamie clock on, the run back down the street to catch on with their friends. They reach a bar that all used to go previously when the coupe still lived in LA. Before they know they are partying like they were before the move to London. Mac starts to feel funny, Shayna still has not turn up at the bar and she doesn't know Jamie all that well to turn to her as a girl help. She runs off to the bathroom clutching her nose worried about what is about to come out of it. She holds her head over the bathroom sink watching the blood drips out of her nose. This is getting worse and worse, every time her nose is bleeding more and more. She hears a knock on the door she looks over but not too much incase she drops blood all over her clothes giving away what just happened. Jamie slinks into the bathroom gently closing the door behind her. "Just got a nose bleed randomly" Mac tries to brush off what is happening right now to this stranger. Her nose has finally stopped bleeding, lifting her head up jamie hands her a tissues "thanks" she wipes it clean before touching up her makeup. "Can we not mention to this Gus or anyone. He worry's enough"

"It's just a nose bleed" she shrugs her shoulders as they head back to the table. Mac already knows they are gonna be good friends.

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