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LilPeep Happy Birthday Hot Mami 🥵🥵 i am so lucky to have you in my life! You have shown me nothing but unconditional true love, respect, inspiration, affection, motivation and support In our 8 years together

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LilPeep Happy Birthday Hot Mami 🥵🥵 i am so lucky to have you in my life! You have shown me nothing but unconditional true love, respect, inspiration, affection, motivation and support In our 8 years together. I am so grateful for you babygirl 💖 without you I would not be here, I prolly would not be alive. You saved me when I didn't know I even needed saving. You have given me the greatest gifts ever. Unconditional love and a beautiful son. Thank you for giving the most amazing family, thank you for being my family. I love you so much, you're my best friend, my soulmate, my wife, my true love and my queen 💖

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy stopppp that made me cry baby 🥺🥺 I love you so much 💖💖

"Happy birthday baby" Gus leans down and kisses his wife as she feeds Keeke in bed, he hands her two boxes as he takes Keeke from her and carries on the feed.

"Oooo happy birthday to me" she smiles at her handsome husband "have I told you recently how gorgeous you are Gus?" She kisses him again before opening her presents the first box "Prada baby?" She looks up at with those big puppy eyes.

"You deserve it boo" he kisses as she open the box, her eyes light up when she sees the Cahier bag, in black and white with gold trim. It's the one she's been looking at for months. "Baby you deserve this, you've been wanting it for months. You've done so much in the last 12 months, for Keeke. You deserve this hunny" she looks at him with that smile that makes him go weak.

"Thank you baby. I love you" she kisses him and then kisses Keeke. She moves on to the second box. Balenciaga. Triple S, in bright red. Her favourite colour. "Oh my god babyboy. These are beautiful. Thank you so much. I love my gifts" she kisses him with such passion that for a moment he thinks about running Keeke to his room to give them so alone time. He does it, running into Keekes room putting him back in his crib and running back into the bedroom. In the short time he was gone Mac has changed into a little gift for him. She stands there in the middle of the bedroom in a full red lingerie set with her CL on. She winks at him before she even finishes her wink Gus has already pushed her on to the bed. He kisses her all the way down her body. Mac giggles under the kisses, he pulls her panties down with his teeth. Her body shivers under the cold touch of his tongue, he feels her hips moving with the strokes of his tongue. She sits up suddenly. "I cant take this anymore" she pulls him in for a kiss, wrapping her legs around him as he slips himself  into her.

"I love you Mackenzie" he whispers in her ear driving her crazy as he strokes with the motions of her body, she kiss down his neck leaving her mark as she goes. At the end of the day the pair are still in their 20s and hickeys are their marks.

"I love you too Gustav" she continues moaning in his ear. This drives him crazy. He falls down on the bed next to her, panting, the cold December air hitting their naked sweaty bodies as they regulate their breathing once more "happy birthday to me" they high five as she leans over and kisses him

"You're amazing babygirl. Right get dressed we are going to the aquarium with Jimmy, Mila and Cold" he kisses her before jumping out of bed. They pair get ready for the day, Mac wears her new sneakers and bag. She wraps Keeke up in the cutest little Parker jacket, a fan made a hellboy scarf and hat for Keeke, it's just the cutest thing ever.  They spend the day with their closest friends walking around their favourite place with their kids. 4 years ago this would be the most boring way to spend her birthday but now it's the only way she would want to spend her birthday. Her little babyboy is growing up so quickly, makes her think they should have another baby just keeping having babies so they always have a baby. Keeke is going to be talking soon he is already crawling and he'll be walking soon, practically be in high school. Her little babyboy. Before she knows it they are back home.

"Ok baby, we are dropping Keeke off at my Moms and we are going out. So get changed" he pulls her in for a kiss, then starts packing a bag for Keekes first night away from them.

"Urm are we sure? Baby this is the first time he'll be away from us?" She looks up with her big blue eyes

"Yes babygirl. It's your birthday we are going out" he kisses her reassuring her that is a good thing. "Ok I'm going to drop him off now and then come back. When I get you're going to be ready and we are going to get an Uber" he picks Keeke up, kissing her before he leaves.

"Ooo an Uber? You do spoil me" she winks at before he leaves the house. She's got no idea where they are going or what she is going to wear. But she decides to go for skinny jeans, lingerie body suit and a blazer with her new sneakers. Just cause she loves them so much and one day wasn't enough in them. She gets ready just in time for Gus and the Uber. They pull up to this old building, kinda looks abandoned. She is a little scared when the Uber pulls away but goes with it anyway.

"Ok baby put this on" he blindfolds her, taking her hand he guides into the abandoned building to where all their friends stands. He has planned a surprise party for her birthday like she did for that first birthday they spent together. He wanted to remind her of their early days, just because they had a baby doesn't mean they are boring parents now. Gus drops the blindfold as their friends all about.

"SURPRISE" her face lights up seeing everyone she loves, shay and J are here. Bex and Ryan. Chloe and Dylan. Post, the boys from the band.

"Oh my god baby" she cups his face looking up at him " baby did you plan this?" He nods at her with that smile she loves so much "oh my god. I love you baby. Truly is the best birthday"

"I love you too. Soulmate" he kisses her and suddenly they were 18 again, falling in love all over again with each other.

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