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"Babyyyyy please can we tell them" Gus pulls on her arm as they walk towards the tour bus, begging her to tell their closest friends on their new move.

"Boo" she stops dead in her tracks, taking his face in her hands kissing his nose "not yet baby. We haven't even sold the London house or found one in LA" she pulls him in for a kiss when her phone vibrates in her back pocket. She pulls it on to see her estate agent is calling for England. "Hey Charli. You alright?" Gus watches as Mac nods her head during the call "oh wow that's brilliant. Yeah 100% accept it. We are gonna be on tour for the next 2 months though. Urm let me call a friend see if they can help and I'll drop you an email" the call ends, she looks up at Peep with excitement in eyes which gets him excited before she's even spoken. A huge smile spreads across her face. "The house sold...... for double the asking" she makes a shocked face "baby" Gus stares at her in disbelief that their house sold so quickly she clicks her fingers in face to bring him back to reality " babyboy, we are moving back home" she shakes him with excitement, Gus can't believe it he just stares at her in shock.

"We are moving back?" He says with such excitement in his voice they jump up and down. "Oh god we have to find a house now" the reality of the situation waves over them, they've sold their house but no house to move into. 2 months to do this. As soon as they get on the bus, Mac emails Chloe to tell her the good news but asking if she can oversee the packing up of their house and potentially shipping to LA. Even though she has her own apartment to do, after everything Mac has done for Chloe in the last few months she owes her this favour. Afterwards she emails a realtor that a friend of her recommended from when they bought the house. Looking at her site she doesn't know if the houses are for them but it's always worth having a look. They've got 2 days in LA they will have to view them all then. It'll literally be the only time. Mac is scrolling through houses when Gus comes up to her breaking her thoughts, kissing her neck "Hey gorgeous" he kisses all down her neck, she reaches back playing with hair, her long nails gently scratching his head. He giggles as it tickles. He sits on the other side of the table to her, she stretches her legs out putting them down beside him, he starts to massage her foot which is her favourite thing on tour. "You found anywhere nice?"

"Yeah LA got some nice places. Christine is gonna arrange them all for those two days baby. We could be in them by your birthday" she smiles at him, blowing him a kiss, this move is gonna be good for them. He pulls out his phone from his pocket, when a small bag falls out with it. The bag has 2 pills in it. Mac looks at him, one eyebrow raised. Seeing how he is going to react.

"Urmmmm" he looks down at the bag and then back up to her "bitch please I know what you get up when you 'shower' "he does air quotations around the shower referring the times when she keeps the water running so she sniff without him hearing. She pretends to look shocked but just ends up laughing with him. She grabs the bag and takes a pill out, placing it on her tongue showing him proud before swallowing, he looks at her in shock. Like oh shit we really going to do this. He follows her lead.

MacDaddy offfft 🥵🥵 you're saying I get to wake up to him every day?! And work together?! Fuck me, the angels must like me 🥵🥵Tagged LilPeep

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MacDaddy offfft 🥵🥵 you're saying I get to wake up to him every day?! And work together?! Fuck me, the angels must like me 🥵🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep have you looked in a mirror ever?! I'm the lucky one 😍😍

Shaynay you two❤️ even after 7 years together you still act like the first time you met. Soulmates 💜💜

LilPeep wait so you're saying that I get to love you forever? And you only ever want me?! And I get to spend everyday with you?! I must of been really good in a past life 😍😍

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LilPeep wait so you're saying that I get to love you forever? And you only ever want me?! And I get to spend everyday with you?! I must of been really good in a past life 😍😍

Tagged MacDaddy


MacDaddy baby you're my angel who saved me 💜

PostMalone honestly. You two are my favourite people ever ❤️

Gus presents a tray under Mac's nose as she works on the schedule for the next few shows, looking down at the tray she sees white lines all racked up with a dollar bill rolled up on the side. She looks up at him with temptation in her eyes and smirks at him. If he thinks she is going to back down from this silent war they are having it's not gonna work. She would rather sniff than back down from an argument. That's their stubbornness kicking in. She takes the dollar bill sniffing up 5 of the 6 lines just to prove a point to him. Blowing a kiss she winks at him getting up off the table to grab a drink from the fridge. His eyes follow her in disbelief that she actually just did that in front of him when they had been keeping it a secret for so long. Bex turns to Ryan after witnessing what they have just seen.

"This is going to be a messy tour" they both agree before downing their drinks when Mac brings along a tray of shots for their pre tour ritual thing they done.

"ALL RIGHT Y'ALL GATHER ROUND" she shouts at the top of her lungs. She waits for everyone to be gathered in the tiny front space of the bus everyone taking a shot "I know this year has been crazy with the last tour finishing up, new album about to drop and other crazy family shit going on. But we are here. We are finally on tour again. Happy place" everyone laughs "right let's make it a good tour. I don't tour whores on the bus, let's keep the dramas and problem to a minimum." Everyone laughs again "on three peepers 1.....2......3 PEEPERS" they all cheers together before down their shot. Mac winks at Gus as he pulls her in by her waist kissing her as the coke kicks into their system.

"We doing this?" He whispers to her referring to the move, he has this excitement in his eyes but the only kind of excitement that a child gets on Christmas Day, it's paired with a huge smile.

"If you want to baby" she kisses him "I would follow you into the jaws of the kraken" they laugh at the reference to her favourite film, she kisses him once more "I love you Gustav" she smiles at him vibing with the music playing.

"I love you Mackenzie"

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