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MacDaddy after 7 years Peep still pulls this face when I undress in front of him 🥺🥺 I love you 💜

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MacDaddy after 7 years Peep still pulls this face when I undress in front of him 🥺🥺 I love you 💜

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep cause you're a fucking goddess💜 I love you too babygirl

MacDaddy likes this

"GUSSSSSS" Mac yells from the back room where she lays in a hungover state smoking a zoot. She made Gus run out and get her Maccies breakfast when they finally pulled up outside the venue. She hears him get back on the bus, the smell of bacon fills the bus. "I SMELL FOOOD" she laughs to herself as Gus gets back into bed. He hands her food, she swaps the Maccies bag for the zoot. He watches as she does her happy food dance. "I love you" she smiles up at him with a mouth full of food not giving a shit on how she looks. Gus leans down and kisses her. Admiring the beauty of his wife.

"I love you too babygirl" he smiles at her as she offers him a bite of her food. He happily takes a bite. "Do we see Charli last night?" Gus giggles at their codename for their Plug.

She nods her head laughing to herself as well "we had this big plan that we were gonna sell it for shits and gigs" they both burst out laughing knowing how stupid that plan is.

"Oh shitttt" he laughs " did it work?!" She looks up at with the are you stupid face.

"What the fuck you think?" She laughs as she holds up what is left " I think we let everyone tick" she opens her bag up "oh wait no. Oh shit we made 2 GS" she laughs as she throws the bills in the air making it rain around him. They both laugh sitting in the pile of money. "Baby we fucking dons" they both laugh as Ryan and Bex walk in. The boys lay on the bed looking up at the happy couple.

"Here is our favourite dealers" they laugh throwing money up in the air, watching it fall back around them. "Only couple weeks left. What's planned after that?" Bex asks them

"If this is you fishing for a invite to the release of everybody's everything next month" Gus laughs as he smokes his zoot handing it over to Mac "don't worry about. Mac already sorted it out. You're on the guest list" he leans over to her suitcase and throws them two invitation to the premier of the film. "Now don't moan at her again" they all laugh. "What time is it?" Gus turns to Mac. She looks down at her phone.

"Urm like it's 11:30 am baby. It's nap time" she laughs to herself. Putting an xanax pill on his tongue then on hers. She collects the money back up and pushes the boys out of the room. As the door is slammed behind them, they look at each other.

"Messy tour I told you"

Waking up from the nap, Mac looks over at her pillow she sees a red stain on the pillow. Instinctively Mac puts her fingers to her nose pulling them away they are covered in blood. She kicks Peep to wake him up. "Baby my nose is bleeding" Gus wakes up in a state of shock at what is happening. Mac gets up running off to the bathroom plugging her nose with tissue before coming back to bed. She sits up in front of him "baby why the fuck did my nose start bleeding?" She laughs to herself not knowing why the fuck she finds it funny but she does.

"Probably cause it's fucked. We didn't even sell half that brick" he laughs to himself on their terrible addiction. She pulls out the tissue from her nose examining the damage, she laughs to herself. One last drop falls from her nose Gus wipes it away with his thumb before licking the damage away. "Ewww you nasty boy" she laughs to herself.

"Shut up. We've been together for 7 years I don't think there isn't a part of you I haven't licked." He winks at her biting his lip.

"Oh baby. Now words like that will turn me on" she winks back at him blowing a kiss, he flips her over so she is on her back and he is on top. He kisses down her belly, lifting her t shirt up showing off her slim body, they both have lost so much weight since this tour began. He kisses down her belly, down her thigh. Gently pulling her thong down by his teeth. He parts her legs with his head, his tongue is cold against her warm body. "Ohh baby" she moans under the touch. Her hips move with the motion of his tongue. He slowly gets quicker and and quicker. She wraps her legs around his head as she gets closer and closer to cumming. "Oooooo Gus, I love you Gustavvvvvv" He speeds up just a little more to feel her cumming all over his face. He lifts his face grinning at her, covered in her juices. She smiles at him pulling him up to her by the collar of his tee. She kisses him tasting herself on his lips. He looks at her dead in the eyes, there is a look of temptation in his eyes as he licks his lips getting the full taste of his wife. She bites her lip as she wraps her legs around her husband gently slipping him into herself. She gasps as he enters her. It doesn't take long before he has her on all fours and there is a line of coke going across her peachy butt cheek. As he pounds her into the pillow she does several bumps off her pinky finger not thinking anything wrong with their current predicament. She feels him getting harder and faster as he finishes up in her. They both collapse on the bed next to each other. Panting, all sweaty they high five as Mac passes him the baggie.

"God damn I love you Mrs Åhr" he kisses her before doing a bump off his pinky as well, he hand the bag back to her catching glimpse of the time on her watch. Wondering to himself if they should really be doing coke at 3 in the afternoon but here they are anyway.

"I love you too Mr Åhr" she kisses his cheek before getting out of bed "I'm gonna go get the venue ready, shower inside and get ready myself. You coming baby?" She smiles at him holding her hand out. He would follow this woman anywhere she asked him to with that look her face. He jumps grabs their arena bag before heading in. He watches as Mac does a couple tour manager things before heading into the green room. Thinking to himself he is as obsessed with this woman if not more as he was when they met all those years. He will never stop loving her but they need help because they cannot keep going on the way that they are. One of them is going to get hurt.

MacDaddy this face? Makes my panties drop everytime 🥵

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MacDaddy this face? Makes my panties drop everytime 🥵

Tagged LilPeep


LilPeep well I'm coming for ya 😈😈

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