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Jennie Pov's

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Jennie Pov's

It's lunch time now and I didn't attend any class because of these shit papers "Jen, let's go eat now" jisoo unnie invited me I want to protest but "yes! Unnie, let's eat now" chaeng spoke "yeah, since y/n will join us maybe she's already in the cafeteria waiting for us" Irene unnie added make me looked at them "You know what?....*sigh* maybe she's already there, let's go" I told to them and start to fix my self then I looked at them who's looking at me suspiciously "oh! God! Stop what you thinking!" I reprimand them then they chuckles "we don't think anything yet you being defensive" joy teased and I looked at them blankly.

At cafeteria

Jisoo Pov's

"Maybe she's late" Rosé said we're waiting here about 5 minutes "guys, she texted me she's will be late probably 2 minutes so she said let's just started to eat" Irene spoke and we all looked at her "what?" She asked "H-how did you get her number?" Jennie asked hmm..I smell chicken here then irene give us a look and we know what's it's means except to jennie.

"Ohh..you don't know unnie?" Chaeng start then jennie looked at her confused I want to laugh because of her reaction but I need to act, "poor jennie, didn't knew anything" joy start to tease and we I looked to chaeng who want to laugh same like Irene but we need to managed not to laugh "haist, jendukie you should start to move you know" I told to her but I badly want to laugh because her expression she's looking liked a girl who didn't knew anything about her crush "What the heck?!" She exclaimed and we all looked down to stop from laughing "what do you guys know about y/n?!? And Irene unnie! Why do you have y/n number?!" She start to questions us continued we all laugh because we can't keep it! Her expression are price less! "What do you mean Ms. Kim?" Someone spoke behind her and we start to be quiet and jennie being like statue.

Y/n Pov's

I really feel bad when I texted to Irene unnie that I will be late in our lunch since they invited me "I'm sorry class for you all, but you guys need to finish then  passed the paper before having a break" our prof apologize earning some groaned while some of us didn't mind him and continue to finish the paper or I say quiz since most of all are hungry now while I'm double check my answered I probably 7 minutes late and my stomach are hurt now.

At cafeteria

I was busy looking at their table while some of students great me so i great them back then they start to approach me asking if I can give them some autograph and some asking if I can have pictures with them but I'm busy looking at them then I saw the girl who standing in front of vending machine so I leaved some students at they start to follow me "they aren't my tail, so why they keep following me!?!" "Hi, may I ask if you saw the Students Council Officers?" I asked the girl who I mentioned earlier then she seems stunned "h-hi...u-umm...t-they a-are t-there" she slowly pointed the table who I saw Irene unnie and I looked back to the girl "Aigo! Thank you so much" I thanked and hugged her earning some reactions to the students "omg! She hugged her!" "Gosh! She's so lucky!" "Y/n talked and give her a hugged!" "Girl! I envy her!" But I ignored them and go to my friend's table.

I'm already standing behind Jennie unnie when I heard her saying "what do you guys know about y/n?!? And Irene unnie! Why do you have y/n number?!" And I looked to the rest they'll laughing so I decided to ask Jennie unnie "What do you mean Ms. Kim?" And the dorks stop laughing maybe they realized I'm already here and I take a seat beside joy and Jennie unnie who didn't make any move  now "sorry for being late, being senior this year are sucked and I hate it" I apologized to them so I'm between Jennie and joy "nah, it's okay we understand" Irene unnie spoke and I smile to her making her blush? "Yah! Unnie! You have a girlfriend why you blushing to y/n/n?" rosé tease.

Making Irene unnie glared to her "By the way, how did you know each other y/n?" Jisoo unnie asked and I looked to rosé who's being shy and blushing now " *chuckle* Actually we meet each other at Louvre, when we accidentally bumped each other then decided to hangout for the rest of that day and boom!" I told to them how me and rosé knew each other and why rosé being shy when we talking about it because we accidentally kissed our lips that day "did you guys already eat?" I asked them then joy cling her arm to mine "no, we're waiting for you love~" joy whispered the last word to my ear make me looked at her "Joy! Stop flirting to Y/n, should you?" Jennie unnie spoke with her cold tone "y-yeah, by the way let's all get order now" I told to them and we all began to stand up then Jennie unnie hold my hand so I looked at her then Jisoo unnie spoke "jendukie, I forgot to remind you y/n have a boyfriend" and she stared to me for almost 40 seconds "yeah, her beauty is no joke so why not" she said but she never let go my hand I swear i will be dead .

Making Irene unnie glared to her "By the way, how did you know each other y/n?" Jisoo unnie asked and I looked to rosé who's being shy and blushing now " *chuckle* Actually we meet each other at Louvre, when we accidentally bumped each other then ...

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Marry Me Crush (MMC) | Blackpink Jennie Kim x Female Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now