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Riley Murphy

18 years ago the world turned black.

Zombies annihilated the earth, destroying everything and everyone in its path.

Since then, we've been fighting. Killing whatever moves in the night and making sure it can never find us.

We don't look back, ever.

My best friend Gage has been by my side through it all. Our family are closer than ever.

Nothing can break us.

Although some have tried, we've pushed through, barely scraping the tip of the iceberg but we made it.

And we make it every time.

Slipping through the back fence that leads to my house, I open the creaky wooden door, seeing Gage sitting at the table.

He's fiddling with the letter I wrote him, anxiously tapping his foot.

"Where were you?" He asked me, glaring up at me. I shrugged, "Did you not read the letter?"

He slammed his fist down, "I read the damn letter, idiot. You know you're not supposed to leave without someone with you. How can you be so careless?"

I sighed, "We haven't had any attacks in almost 6 months. We're fine."

Gage breathed out and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Yeah, almost. Doesn't mean it won't happen."

Moving past him to the cupboard, I pull out a room temperature water and gulp it down.

"Were you with her again?"

Visibly tensing, I lower my shoulders, "And if I was? It's not a crime, Gage." I spit back.

Gage smirks, "You need to be more careful bro. How do you think Aunty Elle will feel if she sees you cosying up with her 'adopted daughter'."

"Don't say it like that man it's- weird."

I know what you're thinking- "adopted daughter". But not really.

We found Dakota and her brother Levi on the streets, 4 years ago after the second explosion hit. We took them in and ever since, we've been closer than ever.

"It's true." Gage chuckled.

"People like you are the reason I'm on medication." I sighed, rubbing my temples. I give him one last fist bump before heading down the hall to my room.

Pushing open the door, I'm surprised to find the window open.

Slipping my hand to my waistband, I pull the gun out and turn the safety off, holding it by my side.

"Who's there?"

Suddenly, I feel a hand grip my gun and yank it back, my hand getting lurched backwards.

I'm kicked to the floor and I grab the person by the shoulders, pinning them down.

I'm surprised to see my Aunt Elle.

"I'm getting old here bud, you can't keep tackling me." She flinches. I release her and wipe my forehead, "Why do you keep sneak attacking me?" I pant.

"Until I know that you can sense a person, I'll keep going. Watch your back."

Elle was put together in leather pants, a loose fitting white shirt tucked in with a belt and black converse, "Date night or grease 2.0?"

She threw my gun at me, "Shut it. I wanted to dress up today."

I heard her call out to Gage before I saw her shadow leave my room. Un-strapping my gun, I placed it onto my bed.

Don't Talk To Me | BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now