They call me Devil

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Shiny expensive shoes pad along the surface of the squeaky clean marble floor. Every eye turns to the man who walked through the lobby like he owned the place.

His head held high and posture of utmost confidence. The way he carried himself with grace, gave his self an aura of regality. The man's shoulders were broad and his chest was buff, muscles blaring through the fabric of his expensive suit. His eyes were sharp with a hidden sense of childlike mischief yet darkness followed him like his shadow.

The man was tall, slightly tanned, and undeniably handsome. His aura dripped with dominance. A presence so supreme, it demands attention. Looks so divine, it brings out your hidden desires. You cannot help but be drawn to get closer to him. But his stance so fierce and his fierceness so powerful that it shakes you to your core in fear.

One look at him and you can just tell, he was the most powerful and dangerous man in the room. A force not to be reckoned with.

The man strode through the room swiftly, not glancing at any direction other than the front desk. It was clear that he didn't mean any funny business. He knew why he was here and what he wanted. The male kept walking with determined steps till he reached the desk where the receptionist was tucking her hair behind her ear and blushing furiously. The action didn't get unnoticed by the rather endearing man.

A smirk made it onto his lips as he stared at the female before him. The man was handsome and he knew it. "Hello, I'm here to see Mr.Park Seojoon." the man with midnight black hair said too politely. His mocking smirk never left his lips as he talked to the lady. It seemed that he thought of himself above everyone else and no one had the audacity to say otherwise. His voice was like a spell, an enchantment no one could deny.

Even the angels had a hard time denying him, then who was this mere human? So that is what she did. Instantly she replied with a quick squeak of 'yes' before hurriedly picking up the phone. "H-hello Mr. P-Park? You have a v-visitor" she said and heard something from the other line before she turned to the alluring male who was still looking at her with that intimidating grin. "S-sir, y-your n-name?" She horribly stuttered out. That seemed to have widened the raven-head's mocking grin as he replied, "Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar" he said and almost chuckled at the desk lady's reaction. She looked surprised and so so confused. She was wondering if the handsome man was joking or not. But she realized he was far from doing so. So she repeated the dangerously handsome man's name on the phone, clearly still in the faze of denial.

But clearly, the man on the other side of the phone instantly recognized him because the desk lady which the raven-head didn't bother to find out the name of had started to lead him hurriedly towards the elevator. The man trudged his way through the crowd as they admired his looks. Something about him seemed godly, yet ungodly at the same time.

The ride up the elevator was seemingly quiet. Mainly because one couldn't build up the courage to say something and the other simply didn't feel bothered to do so. Once the levitating box came to a halt with a ding and the doors opened, they walked out and the lady leads him to a furnished dark oak door that had the words CEO carved on a metal plaque. She knocked on the door three times. But the raven-head didn't seem to care much about the reply as he barged in without a second thought. "Hello, Mr. Park." The dark orbed man said enthusiastically, the infamous smirk never leaving his lips.

The CEO who otherwise would have shouted bloody murder at the person had it been someone else bowed to the man In respect. Although the man looked almost a decade younger than him. "Mr. Morningstar, to how do I owe this pleasure?" The otherwise arrogant CEO asked timidly. His pride seemingly dissipating in thin air as he spoke to the tall man in a dark suit.

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