The prophecy

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Jeongguk came flying through the balcony window and ran to the room that was closest to him, locking the door. Taehyung's voice fading into the background as he sobbed his heart out.

Jeongguk never thought he would cry so much in all of his eternity. It seemed like all he did was breakdown these days. He couldn't comprehend when he became so weak.

Taehyung kept on banging on the door begging him to come out, but the raven was crying so hard that he couldn't find it in himself to actually give a reply. Even he didn't know what caused him to cry so much. Jeongguk was wailing so badly that it was becoming hard to breathe. But when did he rely on breathing anyway?

Taehyung also couldn't breathe properly. Hearing how horribly Lucifer was sobbing made the silver twin panic. "Jeongguk baby please! Open the door! What happened?" The angel was starting to cry too. He thought it was best to call Seokjin and find out what happened before he broke down the door. He didn't want Jeongguk to have a panic attack.

He swiftly pulled out the slim device and called Seokjin with his blurry vision. The call went through before the second ring. "Jin what the hell happened?! He has locked himself inside and won't stop crying!" Taehyung asked with a shaky voice, almost on the verge of sobbing as Jeongguk's heartbreaking cries reached his ears.

Seokjin explained to the latter to the best of his abilities. Taehyung patiently listening to everything to the last detail. His breath hitched by the end of it as the phone slipped out of his hand. The sound of a concerned Jin lowly left the speaker but the angel was already gone. He searched for the master key or any key the could open the lock, tears slipping his eyes constantly. He looked around everywhere but to no avail.

So as his last resort he turned to the door with red puffy eyes and swung his leg at it. The door broke off of its hinges and shattering into bits of wood at the powerful impact. Though Taehyung barely tapped his foot at the material.

Jeongguk snapped his head at the sound looking at Taehyung's worried eyes. His entire body was nearly all red. His devil form spreading like wildfire. Taehyung tried to step forward but stopped immediately when Jeongguk scrambled back from him.

"Don't come near me" his voice was hoarse and shaky as he looked at his twin with glistened eyes. The silver angel looked at him as if he would break any second. "Why?" He asked softly.

"I'm a monster. I ruin everything" Jeongguk choked out. Taehyung shaking his head vigorously. "No! You are not a monster!" Taehyung exclaimed, almost on the verge of tears yet again.

"Look at me Taehyung! What am I if not a beast?!" Jeongguk asked as he gestured to himself, his devil wings spreading out slowly. But to the raven's surprise Taehyung's eyes didn't show any sign of fear or disgust, neither hate nor pity. All he could see in his eyes was love. So much love and desperation.

"You are not a monster or a beast. All that you are, is my Ggukie. My lovely Jeonggukie." Taehyung let his tears castigate as he slowly advanced forward. Jeongguk backing up against the wall. "How can you say that after everything I've put you through?" He asked, soul, broken into pieces.

Taehyung gave him a smile that spread so many emotions at once. "Because I love you, you idiot. I love you too much to hate you. And I know I can forgive you because you love me too. Just as much I do" he spoke with a tender voice and an open heart. His sincerity so transparent and bare that it made Jeongguk want to sob all over again.

"Oh darling, please, don't look at me. I don't want you to see what I've become" the raven again choked out. "Why? Why are you so ashamed Ggukie? Why do you feel this way, my love?" Taehyung finally succeeded in engulfing his devil in a tight hug. A hug full of love and reassurance.

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