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Taehyung was in a hall where all the nuns were gathered. The nuns were just as expected, terrified of Taehyung's presence. But that was exactly what the angel wanted.

The silver angel scanned the room quietly with the kindest smile he could muster. He had asked the ladies who amongst them would like to be interrogated first. But the nuns were just too scared of him to even answer.

While the silver-head was looking around, someone caught his eye. The only nun in the room who didn't look terrified of him. She was looking at the other nuns with confusion but otherwise stayed quiet. This made Taehyung's wheels turn. Why was she different? She wasn't like the other nuns, she was like the other humans.

This made him suspect that nun. But then he thought of why the other holy women were behaving like this in the first place.

He hadn't lost control of his ability like he first thought since the police crew was perfectly fine around him and that one nun. So why? What's the reason for this fear?

But now was not the time to think deeply about these matters. He needed to ask questions. But he had to pick the lady first since they clearly wouldn't volunteer. Taehyung smiled at a nun standing in the far corner and kindly asked her to follow into the room behind him. That is where the interrogation would be conducted.

The poor nun looked like her soul left her body. She was shivering as she slowly walked to the door. Taehyung thought her knees would give up any second from how vigorously they were shaking.

The angel kept quite a bit of distance from her as she passed by him. He didn't want the lady to start having a panic attack from getting too close to him.

This interview was going to be a hassle.

The male sighed and walked in to start his questioning. He will pick a few terrified nuns first so he could easily catch the difference between them and the unbothered nun.

And so the interrogations began.


Jeongguk was walking by the streets so he could clear his mind. He was hearing voices in his head.

Malicious voices that kept on agitating him, mocking him, and were playing at his insecurities. It wasn't really a new thing for the devil. He had experienced these, way before. They started when he freshly left hell for the first time for a short vacation.

Coming back to earth after a few millennials down in the ditch they called hell seemed like a relief at first. But it was a few weeks later that the raven started to realize how badly that place actually affected him. After staying in a constant torturous environment, Jeongguk's mental health was greatly harmed. The moment he was faced with a rather calm atmosphere where there wasn't constant violence, his mind broke down.

The devil started having nightmares and hearing voices in his head.

The experience wasn't pleasant, but Jeongguk didn't want to feel like he was being vulnerable. So he refused any form of help. He suppressed all these emotions to the back of his mind and sealed them away.

Jeongguk had failed to realize that he had trauma.

And a thing about trauma is that, no matter how much you try to deny it, ignore it, or try to suppress it, it will always come back to you in the most unexpected times. And that was what was happening to the raven. The seal he had was for some reason broken and now the trauma was slowly seeping in.

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